What's yor opinion about Gladiator's Medallion?

Hopefully this stays. This anomaly doesn’t really affect 90% of the playerbase since most people just press buttons all the time and don’t even know what they are doing, but this is really good for top play and for people who knows what to do.

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Unless it breaks the character you love to play…
and you find yourself not being able to play them for three months ;-(

Except Every Man could be used after you were stunned, and the Medallion can’t.

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Genji is going to have a field day with this as will a few other heroes. It’s going to be very broken and some heroes will have to be auto banned; such as Genji.

Giving everyone unstoppable is dumb.

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Who knows, maybe Genji will go from 30% winrate to 31%.


Every 5 minutes… so 2 to 4 times per game.

Not a huge impact.


On paper it sounds pretty nice. Pretty sure it will make chaining stuns not the automatic go-to option in ELOs where it matters. In practise we’ll probably have some unforeseen consequences.

Compared to weather anomaly (which was okay, sue me) this one is simple, elegant and with an actual justification. Whether it’s going to stay or not, this is pretty much the gold standard anomalies should follow.


You only need one team fight to go well for the game to end after the mid game.
Frequency matters less than potency when we’re talking enabler abilities.


So count to 1, then CC Genji. It can’t cleanse him after you stun him, so he will have to use it before engaging.

There will be some CC’s that it works very well against (Chromie’s Temporal Loop, Orphea’s Crushing Jaws, or any other CC that has an obvious visual clue that it is about to happen), but any stun or silence that has no visual warning? This will be useless against them.

This also might allow anyone who has a short range interrupt to walk into a Mosh Pit and stop it, but if you have already been Moshed, it won’t help you.


Mosh is also effectively a 30-50s ultimate now from lategame where such plays matter so you basically trade a 300s ability for something valued 6-10 times less.

On one hand I think it’s nice to limit CC, but on the other I think it’s weird to give it blanked across all roles. Giving unstoppable to hard to chase down heroes seems like a bad idea. You may not get many opportunities to CC and kill them so the 300s CD would be pointless against them while feeling kinda weak for tanks and other front line heroes.

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My sole concern is to hero cadence which involves quick use of hotkeys, there’ll be an adjustment period to everyone having a 1 now, top to bottom of the cast.

That said, it’s gonna punish the hell outta setups like Mosh Pit. On the other hand, we could potentially talent around it on anyone now too. Furthermore, there’ll be less pressure on healers to cleanse (which involves the question of, “for which cc do I save its use?”) and thus less pressure on those talent tiers.

I think this may have been what tanks needed. Now, tanks can’t just rely on control chains, and may be snafu’d by a good medallion. Meanwhile, with cleanse less of a mandate on healers, not taking it doesn’t mean it’s nonpresent nor does it strip the team of the clutch cleanse anymore, which is just a net gain to me.

On the other hand, some people weren’t meant to command that power alone. TB Varian, Tracer, Valla, Cassia, Butcher… all having a baseline cleanse.
Maybe future iterations will specialize them per pick, or something, but for a start I like it a lot.

I don’t think I mind if anomalies took this design direction more often. Now all we need is everyone to have an exp orb grab on 2!

It definitely is and this new talent will only be effective for the dia+, but not for the majority of players, because in low elo it will be not impactful at all. It’s basically Garrosh’s 4er talent.

Man they just really hate the idea of Melee ever getting to kill mobile Ranged heroes huh

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This is a stupid comment, this new talent won’t increase the dominance of range assassines at all, I highly doubt it. Maybe by a small number, but only within one digits.

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“Not a huge impact”… That can only be said by gold and lower potato leagues.

“It’s just 2-3 times per game”… Yeah. And exactly that 1 unstoppable can make your enemy team win the team fight so you lose the core.

This is even bigger bulls…t that the weather. I was expecting some stupid idea, but this is just too much.

This “item” should be instantly removed and it will break higher ranks in half.


“This won’t help ranged Assassins except that it probably will.”
What? What the hell post was this???

It will make actual skilled games problematic for sure.

It kinda does help ranged though. If you’re playing Li Ming and get out of position and dove you can just peace out of the CC. That can be more than enough to escape. You don’t get many chances to CC someone like Li Ming per game either.

Yeah I don’t see an impact in the low elo indeed, if I am a potato for that, I am fine with it. This new talent is totally overrated, because you are blind on paper.

If it’s so good why I don’t see it be picked by Garrosh players everytime?

Yeah, and if you dive the KT you can pre-cleanse stun and not insta blow up. Goes both ways.