What's yor opinion about Gladiator's Medallion?

Everyone gets a free zhonyas hourglass except it’s an unstoppable instead of stasis. A very mild anomaly compared to everything before so we should be fine

Chromie loop will be indirectly nerfed so bye bye chromie. Guess orphea it is


I’m not sure if I should play KTZ during this anomaly…

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After picking Zanshin on Genji, dash into an enemy team and activate your CC immunity. You might lose out on 0.25 of the duration but one full second is already enough to kill everyone in sight if they can’t break your channel.

I wish I still had a link to that video of a Laser Drill focusing itself on Genji and poor Tychus being unable to hold fire unless he switches to a new target, where there is none other.

Something similar may not happen very frequently but it’s just enough to throw all the effort you’ve made over the past 20 minutes out of the window because of some nonsense you have almost no control over.

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I don’t think giving Unstoppable to everyone is a right call.
I hope this’ll get removed with the Weather one.
I’m also not a fan of “items”.


I’m not sure I like this anomaly, but I’ll have to see for myself when it goes live.

I don’t like the addition of anything that takes away from the uniqueness of each Hero and/or map. So with that being said, I don’t think that this ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card belongs in this game.

I think that CC is one of the key components to this game. If you see an enemy Uther next to a low health enemy Hero, what’s going to stop you from diving in and immediately cleansing Uther’s HoJ in order to secure the kill? There’s no skill in that.

What I would like the HoTS Dev team to consider is diminishing returns upon hard and soft CC. This would force teams to coordinate their CC and use them more sparingly in certain scenarios.

With this new anomaly, I’m predicting certain Heroes will become more powerful and there truly wouldn’t be a counter for their increased power (does Genji come to mind?).

Just my thoughts.


Out of all the anomalies this is the least impacting which is good but also let the devs blow off steam for their “creative” urges

Least impactful? You think some small shields randomly were more impactful than 1 sec unstop every 5th min?..


I’ll say yes but we will see. I’m expecting little changes in my games. People in teamfights are still gonna be bursted down. We’d just imagine everyone has a sylv unstoppable talent

I agree with Tooton here, it is least impactful, at least for the most players. And as I said many times already it is not a cleanse. You have to use it before stun and you can’t use it, when you are stunned already. I tested it already against ETC in K.I match.

I guess you are overestimate this new talent, it’s not really an item, but a talent.

Those shields made immortal TLV so yes. I can’t wait for unstoppable teleports with Fenix and unstoppable holy word.

Despite what the forum says, anduin sucks
Deckard, malf, Ana, rehgar are top 4 picks and usually none are banned in ranked. Pick those

This is going to sound odd, but I think the hero most impacted by this will be Abathur. It is rare you could find him and lock him down more than once every 5 minutes, and now if he sees you coming for him, you will never kill him. This will make slug-hunting so much more difficult.


You shouldn’t even be able to kill a good abathur. You waste time trying to kill him, and an aware one just un hats someone and he walks away

Ofc it can’t be used during CC, that was obvious to me, after all, this is a self-cleanse.
But this is a free self-cleanse. And for everyone.
Now Heroes who are kept at bay due to them lacking Unstopapble and thus peelable via CC all got buffed.
At least it can’t be activated during abilities, but it’s still strong.
Imo, you guys underestimate how powerful this can be (ofc, not in the usual games, only at the higher ladder).

It’s going to mess up the butcher i see the most. Charge + chain just got nerfed hard and you can medallion out of it. Maybe ETC mosh too. it’s going to shake up the meta. but it may be very hard on the butcher.

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Aggressive Artanis play just got a bit less risky. Being able to pre-cleanse a Blade Dash definitely has potential.


twenty characters

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Bad idea; you can’t give everyone unstoppable lol. That breaks some interactions pretty badly…

Some heroes might be less meta for 3 months. Not the end of the world. Highly doubt this anomaly will stay either

Its every man for yourself meets heros of the storm

Reminds of PvP days in WoW if you didn’t roll a human you had to get this trinket.

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