This is the absolute, worst, most awful idea.
I am SHOCKED that this made it after they reverted the weather effects and base changes. Why would the devs even try this? NO. NO THANK YOU.
The medallion looks pretty damn OP. Well, CD balances it a bit, yet still… for DD like Tracer it would be fun, but Qhira? Imagine you just E into 1 squish, he pressed Medallion and you go to tavern.
It’s an extra tool for all players. Generally, it will probably help set apart good players from bad players. I hope it helps immobile, non meta picks rise by reducing one of their weaknesses(CC).
I am interested with it’s affect on the support meta. I could see two different scenarios:
Non cleanse supports become more popular since everyone will have a built in option.
Cleanse supports will become even better. Most cleanses have a cd between 40–90 seconds. With one free cleanse to cover the cool down of your support’s cleanse there might be a whole lot of cc free life.
Makes sense to me, but it destroys the whole purpose of 1 16’s level talent (i never use it, but i am disappointed).
Actually, this is anomaly, so i guess it won’t last any longer than this season?
Won’t affect a good part of the players anyway.
Between those who find pushing the 1 button tedious and those who do not even read situations where they would have to push it.
I just hope it does not go lower than 5 minutes because slippery heroes who need to be blown up fast would be even more of a headache.
I’ll reserve final judgement until I’ve played with it a good bit, but I don’t think it will shake things up too much. Self-Cleanse is strong, but on a 5 minute cooldown it shouldn’t be a problem, especially since you have to use it preemptively to block stuns or silences.
1: Well F me this is going to make playing Qhira a royal pain as if the last anomaly wasn’t enough to screw with her thanks to speed boost
2. It dosne’t seem too bad but at the same time balance issues if this sticks around
3. If this is where i think it is on the tlent bar then F me my muscle memory is caput.
Dosen’t change the fact Every single freaking hero now has a cleanse for E and it’s going to be a real Pain in the A to keep track of who has used them and who hasn’t.
Just need some thinking before engaging. It’s basically knowing that the healer has cleanse or any of the other heroes that have self cleanse, but now everyone has it. It’s still a long cd (5 min), so in a game you might use it 3-4 times maximum.
Yes, it should last only for 1 season unless people really like it and there’s lots of positive feedback on it, then blizzard can actually make this permanent.