What's yor opinion about Gladiator's Medallion?

Well BW has a transform effect, it’s different than a stun. Did you try it, when you was stunned?

Oops, so it’s not an pvp item like in wow. That means it’s probably crap for the most players.

Honestly, my first opinion is that it feels like a totally pointless button which will be only confusing players. It has 5 minutes CD, so you will be able to use it 4 - 5 times if you spam it, but realistically only once or twice per game.

It will be useless for bronze players it will be useless, because they usually aren’t very god at dodging spells, so they are hit by CC very often and one self cleanse every 5 minutes won’t help them at all.


Imo it’s kinda funny.

But it will last like that until I play a game with that new stuff…

The influence of the Wow and its bgs is too much felt now.
The games will already look like bgs of Wow.
Then it will follow that we earn honor points to build our wrathful set. :smile:

This is what every butcher was doing and they are nerfing him now :sweat_smile:

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Some form of indicator would be great for Supports to see.


It is not even a self cleanse at all, I tried it out in an a.i. match and etc stunned me with Q, but I couldn’t use it, you really have to use it before you get stunned like rcw said. This talent or item will have no impact at all for the most players.

But the confusing thing is it’s called “Medallion” like the pvp item in wow, but it’s obviously not.

Love it. Self Cleanse is amazing

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When you buffed towers and bases i was like, MEH.

When you put in weather effects i was like, why?

But this…

This is the absolute, worst, most awful idea.
I am SHOCKED that this made it after they reverted the weather effects and base changes. Why would the devs even try this? NO. NO THANK YOU.

The medallion looks pretty damn OP. Well, CD balances it a bit, yet still… for DD like Tracer it would be fun, but Qhira? Imagine you just E into 1 squish, he pressed Medallion and you go to tavern.


I’m fine with that :rofl:

People will have to mind their engages better. You could also just bait the cleanse and then it is all good.

As Qhira main, i am not.

Haha. Funny, how can Qhira bait the cleanse without using E?

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It’s an extra tool for all players. Generally, it will probably help set apart good players from bad players. I hope it helps immobile, non meta picks rise by reducing one of their weaknesses(CC).

I am interested with it’s affect on the support meta. I could see two different scenarios:

  1. Non cleanse supports become more popular since everyone will have a built in option.

  2. Cleanse supports will become even better. Most cleanses have a cd between 40–90 seconds. With one free cleanse to cover the cool down of your support’s cleanse there might be a whole lot of cc free life.

Use E, someone cleanses it, everything is fine. If you know they have cleanse, just don’t do the 360 spin, activate it early.

Honestly im fine for the season. If it stays id really rather that its given to tanks or something.

Makes sense to me, but it destroys the whole purpose of 1 16’s level talent (i never use it, but i am disappointed).
Actually, this is anomaly, so i guess it won’t last any longer than this season?

Cleanse is 5 minutes CD. Is her E 5 minutes CD too?


CD is 16 seconds.
Time to find the target? Unlimited.

Won’t affect a good part of the players anyway.
Between those who find pushing the 1 button tedious and those who do not even read situations where they would have to push it.
I just hope it does not go lower than 5 minutes because slippery heroes who need to be blown up fast would be even more of a headache.

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Like Tracer, Li-ming… Lunara.
They just press the Medallion and boom, -5 on your team, Tracer MVP.

I play in silver, it won’t affect my playerbase as usual