What's one thing that makes you lose your marbles?

Just curious what everyone seems to find the most annoying in-game (Can be a hero, interaction, ability, map, anything!).

I’ll start!

For whatever reason this happens almost EVERY game.
Your team is lvl8/9 vs 10, enemy has ults. Teammates MUST go fight. They have to, there is no other choice. They must go in and feed, no matter what. Surely they know they will lose 99% of these interactions right? They still do it.

BUT CONVERSELY, when WE are up 10 vs their 8 or 9, everyone refuses to fight. MUST SOAK must soak… gahhhhhhh it’s infuriating.


People who go soaking after 20


Healers going solo, specially to take camps.


When the tank is hiding behind his backline and first engage when his dmg dealer is dead.

When people blame healers for taking camps while they stats paddle mid and ignore camps or ignore anyone who tries to take a camp but cant do it fast enough. You are allowed to help your team no matter who it is. Being a dmg dealer does not give you more rights to do what you want while others suffers from it.

People who engage without ults while enemy team has. Aka lvl 8vs10.

Azmodan players or just any siege hero who mindless push lanes and gets ganked and then blame his team for not warning him. LIke you are allowed to have one eye on the mini map yourself. We are not going to babysit you on that.


Probably this. No game sense, they just keep soaking and soaking even when we are 22, they 21, because they think that’s what you must do. They aren’t even stacking up any quest, just laning.

For heavens sake lets try to end the game or make a decisive move instead of freezing a lane like it’s level 7.


“[Player name] (Muradin) has left the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has rejoined the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has left the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has rejoined the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has left the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has rejoined the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has left the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has rejoined the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has left the game.”
“[Player name] (Muradin) has rejoined the game.”


Haha. For me it’s staring at the reconnect screen. My game lags for 30 seconds, my reconnect screen takes 10 min to catch up.

“This may take a while, please wait”


losing my marbles has made me lose my marbles


People who pad their stats in lane with heroes good at stat padding (usually from brain dead safe distances) and then proceed to call their teammates trash for having “lower” stats when they themselves have 0 map awareness and contributed next to nothing useful in the fights that actually mattered.

These same players probably also have a roughly 3% win rate on heroes who actually need some skill and interaction to outplay and beat the enemy, or have 0 games played on those higher skill requirement heroes period.


I hate it when i go up against more than one smurf. One is like fine whatever. when they group together its like well congrats you beat plat players with your gm team. take a cookie with some laxative…

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facing premades in qm. colossal waste of my time as a solo-queuer. even when we defeat them, it’s an unenjoyable experience. and another deserved reason why this game is losing players as most of the playerbase solo queues.


Were they Cat’s Eye? Cause I found a few of them here.

Loss streaks.
Yes, a lot of things can be annoying, but most of them are “oh well, it happens”.

  • Lose the first match, okay, happens, no biggie.
  • Lose the second match, because you have a DC, unfortunate.
  • Lose the third match, mood is going away.
  • Lose the fourth match, you had 30 more minutes, would be nice to close with a win.
  • Lose a few more because whatever. Many threads about those by everyone.
  • Proceed to throw actively to drop rating and figure it’s actually a hard job, because the enemy is really bad and your team is really good. It’s like eating a sweet and sour sauce, it just full of everything, wouldn’t be so without all the juicy anger, the storm of emotions, sweet, sweet life!
  • You lose another legit and you are about happy about it, middle finger all the way. You notice that your rank didn’t drop an iota, your gold/silver self just got beaten by a Master and two diamonds.
  • This can’t go on, right? Next match, you get beaten badly. Damn, this MM sucks. Oh, it was a team of high level Bronze 4 and Bronze 5 players acting like Plat+. Oh well.
  • (and then you eventually win)

A variation of the above is quitting after 1-2, going for a week or two without a win.

By the way, (only) once I met a team, usually by loss 4 my valves are a bit steaming and I tend to leak the info:

  • Hey Aph, up for tanking?
  • Sure, whatever, I’m clearly on a loss day, nothing clicks.

So, once I got the following response, felt nice:

  • Oh, I see your history, must be bad. Don’t worry, we’re going to fix it!

Everytime I play on NA and ask. Hey can you do _____?

I get back “F U I don’t have to do what you tell me” Then proceeds to first pick Murky :frowning: I swear everytime I play solo queue on this account…

If I got someone saying that back to me I’d be happy and try my absolute hardest to help them out of that loss streak.


I play QM and I see that enemys get a tank and a bruiser, while we get a tank and 4 squishy heroes. It freakens me out everytime.

Edit: And it becomes more funny, when you realize your supposed tank is Varian and this guy thinks: “Derp, what we would need here? I guess I go Colossal Smash!”

Rage intensivies.


Yea I hate that too. Was playing Auriel yesterday and got into a game with a Dehaka that dced every 30 sec and would afk in spawn when he got back. So about 10 min into the game he dced and never came back again and left us with a bot Dehaka that did far greater in teamfights then the player himself did lol

Who knew bot Dehaka was this good at hitting drag at mobile heroes like Genji lol.

And then ofc another thing in that game was my whole team was just playing passive so I got close to zero energy from whoever I had crowned lol.

Thats what I hate the most about playing Auriel. Having a team that sits passive and deal no dmg.

That one thing I hate too. Stacked teams should always play againts stacked teams no matter what. Why should I as a solo que player get thrown into the 5 stack pit just to get toyed around

I just had one of those games last night. Was fun game. Lost in 13 min againts a 5 stack who had a Garrosh who acted like he was in a circus. He had fun throwing both us and his teammates around while we had nothing to deal with him.

Sometimes I just think 5 stacking these days is just an excuse for people to farm free wins againts non-stacked teams that dont stand a chance againts them and then runs crying away when an actual 5 stack face them. 5 stacks like the one I jsut face last night should be premading in SL where they belong but they refuse to do so cause they know enemy team has the ability to counter draft them where in QM you can’t.

Nonederless it was fun getting stomped into yet another 5 stack that ends up getting a free win againts a defenceless team of solo players where only two was in a party.

And mmr handicap dont help a … thing in this game when team comp is what matters more in the end.

10 games played yesterday and 6 of those games was againts a 4-5 stack. 5 stacks will keep on stomping in QM untll all solo que players has left this game for good since they are the pillar that keep this game alive the most. Give 5 stack longer que time and only have them face another 4-5 stack to balance it out.

I could care less if they then ends up having long que times. That is not my problem. If they want to premade with drafted teams then they also have the ability to wait longer.


I was lucky to win againt one who had tripple bruiser team againts our solo Artanis. Their team where just dumb and thought they had already won but we came back and won.

And fun thing was after we killed both Xul and Imp they both leaved the game. I could see that on replay and score screen had them as ingame for very long time so I guess they rage qutted casue they throwed away a free win againts a weak team.


Fortunately that’s rare for me. Sure, people don’t always comply, but usually politely:

  • Hey X, I see you’re healing a lot and well, would you mind?
  • I would rather not, would be nice to do something else sometimes.

But of course it’s best to ask, otherwise people might silently default to the above. Also, complimenting the other person makes them happier.

Being able to flex helps. I historically can’t, but apparently people are so bad at tanking that even my mediocre self seems good. Except Varian, but that’s a super wonky hero anyway (picking the appropriate build is actually suboptimal, or utterly complex, I usually win alonside TB tanks, Taunt bruisers and Colossus soakers).

  • People that dies engaging alone vs 2+ enemies and then pings you for not being with them (like, yeah, sure, it’s my fault you have 0 brain cells to recognize when to engage).

  • When the core is open and everyone decides to take camps instead of ending the game. :roll_eyes:


It depends on what kind of healer. Reghar easily takes solo hard camp, while Brightwing buys mercenaries, for example. I think Kharazim also easily takes the hard camp. Given the fact that in the early stages of the game there is simply no one takes camps due to poor draft, healers are forced to do it. And it often happens that there is someone who could to take the camp, but no one takes them, except for the enemy team, of course.