Whats happening in the game at min 7?

Since the latest patch (you know that made the towers even more useless) I got mass lag in every rotten game at min 7 and I dont know why. Everything is perfect until then and min 7 and boom. Last day I even got afk ban because my usual ranked team was trash as it should be and we lost at min 7 but my lagg came so i got punishment because afther the nexus exploded i got dc (thx blizzard for your awesome ban system btw)

You get level 10

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I’ll have to look it up. I never checked the timer against lag spikes.

If it is that consistent, put in a Support ticket and attach a replay or two.

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That’s almost exactly when you or the enemy team get heroics (on average). Around 6:30 to 7.00.

Can it be someone is using a very graphically intensive heroic for the first time?

the game loads certain things at certain intervals; i read that in the support forums before. if it’s happening at exactly 7 minutes, then it’s probably some bug related to that.