What is your role in the bar based on your forum posts

Just a figure of speech


Hardie softie. I have a sharp tongue but I never think about hurting anyone.


Argh, dum dum dum. I’ll always favor brown ale over the others.

Fully honored am I to read this.

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No, you just haven’t tried one you like yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m partial to drinking my precious Therapist myself.

I dnt drink :stuck_out_tongue:. at alll , :stuck_out_tongue:

i would b the one who pass by the bar (as per ur explanation) :smiley:

Hmmm I dunno. Imma guess I’m that one guy sitting at the corner with a beer or some drink, listening and observing whatever shiz is happening to the people around me, and enjoying a bit of it.


Since this is my first actual post in the hots forums i’m curious to what you have to say :smiley:


welcom to the maddness :smiley:



you like to discuss things on the menu. And tries to remember whats the drinking habbit of other people. Also with you most conversations are about shows. Lore. Trailers ot events.
Your the guy when I look at the left is always in fierce conversations. Drink: darker beers

Gishki: you go with lenghty discussions with the staff when they remove something from the menu or tap. You have some entheusism when talking about a particular item on the menu. And are sad when its gone. You encourage people to try stuff what you like. Prefers pepsi but I think your also a sprite man

Clipper: you have your regular drinks. I can say a creature of habbit. But not tight to one table. You walk around the whole bar. But prefer some places more then others. Same with the drinks. Once you are here. You always drink one commen drink you always do. And then mix it up a bit


Skullypirate: hidden profile. But your more observent so yeah the guy who is a regular but he is there so often you dont know is he is there or not. Your a wodka man

Sankhya you are the guy who just is 18/21 and enjoyed its first beer. You actually find it bitter like the people here. But the more you drink the more you like it

Will finish the rest. Give me time


Incredible, you are like a psiquic-man or something (LoL), you hit in the nail with everything, except that the only thing I drink is water, what I’m doing in a bar then? Well, that’s a good question.


Thats impressive. Now I’m curious, too.

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I don’t drink alcohol. If I somehow end up in a bar:

I’m the guy that enjoys good conversation where people want to be real and is not afraid of showing a side of themselves that is interesting. I’ll also be eating a juicy hamburger and drinking an IBC root beer.

This was my 777th post.

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I’ll take a ticket.
What’s good with the outcome?

You like to watch others playing barsports. Or watch the football game. Always prepared to give a strong comment that gets everyone around the table to react to it . You are the oppisite of borring! I would give you indian pale ale

Yoshilisk . Best way to discribe you is helping hand. You love to have a good time. Share a story or your oppinion ect. But if someone has 2 hands and 3 glasses you jump up to help that person. And you can say its just commen decency. But youbare always the quickest. If there is someone quiet and borred . You start a conversation
I kinda want to say fruit beer because of li li portraid but I say a pint!

Thekarlaster: You like to suprise people. Here a suprise beer. You also pay notice to the little things. Hey cool shirt , or did you do something to your hair? You like a strong blond beer.

Onslaught: hidden profile :frowning: so I can make blaze jokes with firery hot puns. Like you like a b52 . Because of the fire.

Mumrah: also hidden profile and you filled it in yourself

Defective: Cheerfull fellow and can burn someone really hard making everyone to go “ooooow” usually more direct then sarcastic. your not sitting in the same seat you like to talk to everyone , prefer all around beers. Not one in partilar but hugging the tap on what they serve. Always out to try new things.

Minkey: the guy who always appriciate someone else his work. The optimist in the group . You know if you walk in the room everyone tries to be a bit nicer kinda guy because you spread it. Usually when someone acts goofy you dont really care But if someone gets over the top drunk you say something about it. I think you enjoy barrel aged beer.

(Sorry busy day)
Btw if I forget someone. Im only human so plz remind me


Bestow upon me thy wisdom, and ordain my role within this community :pray:


I’m enjoying this thread, quite amusing and some very apt tags from the OP. These are my favorites:

Skully that fits you perfectly, but it’s also how I would describe myself. Oh well, beaten to the punch.


Legal drinking age is 16 here :smile:
I do enjoy my first beer everytime.

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Its updated

And if you have feedback or something plz let me know. Thank you for the kind responses so far!

You would sit in the corner n erupt wall so ppl cant com to u? :smiley:

huh, i’ve never heard of fruit beer :thinking: i do like fruity drinks tho, so i’d probably like it!

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Its a bit lighter perfect in the summer