What is your role in the bar based on your forum posts

Based on your post. What you have written and everything. Your top post. Who are you in these forums

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Looks creepy OwO

(20 entrails char)


i guess you’re horsing around




I think i´ll pass on this one.


Make it a bar setting, might be easyer to tell

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Korti you are the forums comedian but also shows intrest in learning. Your more the guy who jokes around in bars. Always in the mid

Grunkr you love discussing builds talents. You love to play heroes with a good dept. Think you a whiskey man

SamiSha dont main one role but play a all around style. joke around and comminity works/creations. You also love discussing about game changes. New heroes emojis balance patches ect. Your the guy who likes to taste each beer. Or sits at the barstool to order always saying hi to people who sits next to you

Rcw: I think ill pass

Harbinger: you are the guy who is always asking the waiters whats on the menu and ask other people for recomendations


Huh, I have no idea.
The cranky old man complaining about how everyone’s ideas are terrible?

Probably not that accurate—honestly—I wonder how much it would freak people out or realize how I am in person versus how darn critical I am on this forum.

Oh, this is about drinks? Well, uh. Good luck guessing! Well, it’s not a guess—but more like a “lol” given I expect the guess/estimation to be way off!

I dunno how I didn’t figure out what this meant based on the thread title the first time. Haha!

Ranged Assassin.


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Well hello I am Tydal



I often wonder who I am.

But it may be refreshing to hear it from the horsin’s mouth.

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Planner: the storyteller! Tales of great adventures. If someone does something stupid. He will remember! He will tell the tale (Yes I changed the title. Its indeed easyer to yell)

More a shots guy. All or nothing. Drink hard or go home. Can outlast most people when he is going at it.

Tydal: you were hard but lucky i have a hour long break.
If someone makes a joke or tells a story they look at you to see hear your reaction. Because its usually sharp and well placed. I think lighter beers or blond. Might be my chromie stereotype

Evillisous: your the guy with the ideas " hey you know what would be cool. A dart board there" or makes a tower out of beer coasters. I think your more a barrel aged beer drinker


definitely the philosopher / bouncer i have experience

I don’t understand the question.


The people you meet in a bar/pub based on your forum history

you think you’re good? think again please!

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What am I? :thinking:

I’m the guy who shows up, orders a glass of milk, and then gets into an argument with one of the people who is halfway through their third beer over the probability of a meteor falling on you compared to Yellowstone erupting while you’re in the Park.


I’m the most hated person in this forum.

And I’m Tassadar by MySelf.


Bloodskyxx with naz zombies a bouncer type. Clever! Your the one who gets drunk and picks up fights. But for a good reason. Maybe someone is bordering your friend. Think you like just a regular beer. But a lot of regular beers!

Phaseshifter: he is the guy who knows what he wants. The right girl. The sloth machine. The right beer? He knows what he wants. He is the guy who enjoysdrinking wine like the real malganis

Catharina: You are the only who sits on the table enjoys a good drink untill the bar closes. Also has a lot on his phone you want to show. Always a good conversation partner
Can I say a cider as a drink?

Karabars: everyone is rambling when drunk but you get more focused. Your that guy who makes sure your drunk mate gets into the taxi.
Think you are also a bit of the pilsners. The tripples

Give me a second . Work is done