What is your role in the bar based on your forum posts

Can you do one for me

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I could see someone inviting you to play dartsā€¦ Then You claiming youā€™re no good at darts, but they would insist itā€™s just for fun, so youā€™d reluctantly go along with it.

Then, in your first 3 throws, you get 2 bullseyes.

Suddenly you have a bunch of unwanted attention (Skully the dart god! Sniper Skully!) as you try in vain to insist ā€œGuys, it was a fluke! Iā€™m really not that good! Guuuuuysā€¦ā€ >_<


Ofcourse. Might take a moment!
I try to give each a diffirent thing and need be in a inspirational mood

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What can you tell about who I am?

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Igut: you are a straight to the point kinda guy. You like to joke around with the staff and just have a good time. Thats most important to you. Not to get drunk or talk to the right people. Just have a good time. Just because you have a Alarak portraid I say a martini shaken not stirred

Sarooke: You are polite but also the guy everyone knows not to mess with. You like scifi stuff and loves to talk about it. You love to speculate about things and stuff. Like whats the new hero/beer is gonna be. You drink a Guinness

Btw. Im basing your comments off how you write things in the comments. Top topics and what are your intrest based on your replies. So I might be completely off or completely right. I just give everyone a drink but thats the least important


That does sound alot like me. :grinning:

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Im glad to hear it!

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Iā€™d like to hear mine.

In real life, I like to hang out with friends, have some beers, and laugh a lot. If there is a foosball table, or pool table Iā€™m there. If I have enough money Iā€™m always messing with the jukebox.

You like to research stuff. A quick peak or google before you order something. If you order food you give others some of your fries or nachos.
The rest you filled in so thats easy. You know how much you want to spend for the evening. I say a strong blonde for you as well.

If someone wants to take over the mantle or do 1 just do it! Im afraid I cant keep the quality up

Youā€™re only human, my friend.

You did a fine job bar tending, and every shift must come to an end.

Go enjoy your weekend.


I am a nobody in these forums lol. In the WoW forums howeverā€¦

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Thatā€™s forums 101 for you.


Ikr. I have like 6.5k over there lol.


The guy who doesnā€™t come around very often but when he does he makes a huge scene.


Probably the guy who doesnā€™t buy any beer, and instead eats one of everything off the food menu and complains about how poor quality it is. But eats it all the sameā€¦

So true about the sharing food, and being cheap at bars. Itā€™s summer so blondes work as well, good job! :grinning:

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Iā€™m the kind of person who doesnā€™t get drunk /doesnā€™t drink at the bar. Iā€™m only there because a friend talked me into going and now Iā€™m surrounded by drunks forcing fake smiles and laughs but feeling very nervous because my mother was a mean drunk so I never feel safe around drunk ppl. The bar setting isnā€™t my life.
Cheers! :beer:


Quick tip. If you unsure about the quality of the food or kitchen. Look at the bathrooms.
If they look grose. The kitchen probebly is too.

But forum stuff. Hanzoā€™s and genjiā€™s!

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How could I miss this thread since now? Shame on me!

Iā€™m curious to know who I am ._.

I canā€™t bring myself to drink milk, but give me something strong, I donā€™t go to bars often so I might as well do what I came for.
And no matter which side of that argument youā€™re on Iā€™ll be fine taking the other, or just discussing probability.