What is your best memory of HotS?

Personally, I’m tied between a game we held onto until the 26 minute mark with no keeps on BoE and managed to turn it around and win on,
An extremely close Emerald Wind boss steal that singlehandedly won the game,
And the time I killed someone mid-haymaker launch, causing the corpse physics to throw them along the floor at the speed of sound, easily clearing the whole map (press F for that Artanis).


That time when an enemy Diablo suplexed my teammate Zarya into my Dragonqueen-empowered AoE heal as Alexstrasza, saving her and almost singlehandedly turning a bad looking fight into a successful one (from my team’s point of view of course).
I’m still considering submitting the clip to one of those “moments” YouTube channels.


I dunno about overall, but today I had such a moment in a Hanamura game. It was pretty even to start with, but towards the endgame the opponents began edging us over and tended to come out on top in the payload skirmishes although they weren’t slaughtering us all, enough dead to stop our contest, but leaving enough alive to slow down their pushes on our bases reasonably.

Payload popping, same business as usual it seems. At this point their team is essentially just rushing on us probably because of how well their last fights have gone. So diablo isn’t saving his shadow charge and is just essentially rushing in to drop one of us to be zerged by their team. He picks our tank and they all descend as expected. Our Naz drops a zombie wall but they step forward to dodge but it does block off their flank. Given we’re fighting in a choke point they’re kinda walled in, which probably isn’t a bad thing as they’re typically stomping us.

But then it’s Planet Cracker time and I get the whole lot of them for basically the entire duration, and they are visibly trying to dodge as they wriggle in the choke point, so nobody is fighting back, they’re just getting nuked down hard by our team, and one by one they drop. We secure payload and push and it’s game.


I was on Artanis, and the match had come down to a base race. Most of my team was dead, and the enemy Valeera was on our core. I had Arthas and Greymane using everything they had to bring me down, as I dodged what I could, keeping a steady stream of damage on their core. With the last of my health draining away, I managed to get my trait back up, buying enough time to crush their core. It wasn’t a moment too soon, as their Valeera had ours to 11%, and was uncontested, and my health bar had no green to be seen under my shield.

It took a while for the adrenaline to fade after that match.


I had a core race sometime last year that was down to the wire. I was playing Garrosh, and both cores were at 2%. 2 enemies came in to push us off of it, and it seemed like a loss. Until their Nova made one simple mistake, placing her decoy in my range. I threw it at the core and won the game for us…

It was my closest game i’ve ever had in any moba.


One thing that comes to my mind is a enemy Diablo in an ARAM brawl that would always flip on CD no matter what. At the beginning i was annoyed as Alex, then i just placed the circle behind him and he would without fail put his victim into it; it was so much fun.

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The Lightning Bond days…

When I played with people, who said Tassadar is bad, and then I got Legendary Tassadar with MVP.

I was crying so hard because Happiness.


Gettings Legendary first time and it was on Tracer too, feelsoldman.

I love it when the enemy team become so arrogant and sure, then get their asses handed to them at a cruical stage.

Show me. I want to see.
I send you my legendary. Please respond.


I need to dig from the depths of hell, brb.

That time i came back on towers of doom from 40-1 to 0-1.

Update: never mind I just found it on Discord with a single search, thank god.


You are useless.

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It is not my fault you have a crappy browser you never update that is running on Windows 7 or whatever you told me about your PC specs that one time, any who ill update the link I guess.

Zing in to enemy core as abathur after my team wiped (core at 3%) and killed the core with aba slaps and summoned locusts (went locust build)


best memory…

old tyrande ready stance alongside the bug with the physics on her skirt. :love_hotel:

best memory… when HGC was around

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ive never got a legendary or even epic as valeera :frowning: everyone hates her too much.