What is your best memory of HotS?

The first time I got to hear Xul’s voice work. Took me way back to when I was a kid at LAN parties with friends.

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Every game that I played with Tychus when That’s The Stuff! healed in real time instead of when Minigun ended.


That has got to be one of the worst balance changes in a long time. Make it heal for a lower percentage of the damage dealt, but at least keep it in real time so it doesn’t have complete anti synergy with bonus minigun duration quest. The way it works right now makes absolutely no logical sense

Best memory in this game would be me and my friends playing QM together and having fun despite the weird comps we made, win or lose.

Would like to play another custom match with them but with the state the game’s in, real life, and time… it ain’t happening again.

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A 5 man Rip-Tire kill on Dragon Shire. It was like they all positioned so badly on low health just to make my day.

everything before 2.0


When I once got legendary MVP.

Then once I got a kill with Abby with slap.

And also when I played Tass as solo support, before they added lifesteal to his Q, to the talent and nerfed him below hell.

Pre-stealth nerf Tyrande and Nova combo wombo, my friend and I could do anything we wanted. We won 2v3 fights, did boss camps before level 16(just us), stole enemy camps whenever we were there, killed abathurs in their base. When 2 stealth snipers roll around deleting enemies before they could ping for help, it was an indomitable combination. Tyrande and Nova reworks, stealth rework, ruined the combo. The good ole days of HoTS.

When I got MVP as Whitemane with 30+ assists. I don’t remember how much healing I did but I was happy AF.

Pre 2.0 was nothing but good memories. Everything since has been one disappointment after another.

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old assassinate + death from above + nightslayer. You could clean up like no other. It felt really good to play.

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Manage to def the core from enemy team backdoor us. We saved it on 1% hp with me as Tass shielding it.

I won a 1v3 on Zeratul to close out a game post-20 on temples. Ended up with a full MVP vote but didn’t screenshot it

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When i finally had enough shards to buy the Prime Evil Diablo skin. :partying_face:

This might be cliche but, I was Nova on Battlefield of eternity and had both triple tap and fast reload. Managed to kill 3 people with it back to back and 2 of them werent at low HP to make the ult pointless.

Another time I managed to make Pyroblast deal 75% less damage when I managed to defense matrix the enemy Kael’Thas.

Both of these felt damn good.

This was early on but I remember a match where I was butcher and had morales on my team. At one point on cursed hollows the two of us were in that narrow path between the bruisers merc camp on the right side and the second tier of towers in the mid lane which was the enemy side of the map and we 2 v 5ed the enemy team and took down all of them or at least 4 of them.

Alpha :slight_smile: ( and this response must be at least 20 characters long )

Old nova on cursed hollow. My team was dead and they were spam pinging retreat on me as I pestered the tribute. Whittled their HP down with hit and run tactics and decoy until I started popping off triple tap and getting resets.

I ended up assassinating an entire team and taking the tribute solo. At this point, my team just spawned so we just pushed to their core and won.

Sadly I’ve lost the screenshot when my old PC died, but I clearly remember a 10 votes legendary MVP with Kerrigan back in the old days.

I was defending a keep as Ragnaros on Warhead Junction. The entire enemy team was rushing to destroy our keep with some mercenaries. I entered Molten Core. The enemy tried to push me out of Molten Core so they went closer to me. I use lava wave and stun them all with my swing. The core is so close so it reaches them almost instantly. I kill three of them as my team catches up. I snipe the fleeing enemies with my meteors and explosive runes.

Truly a moment to remember and a reason to love Ragnaros.