What is the Most Powerful basic Ability

With or without talents is your choice

I just want to know what everyone thinks about the most powerful ability

For me it would be Wrecking Ball on Garrosh, but id like to see what others say.


It’s either that or Polymorph.



My most powerful ability can’t be all about sheer damage, it has to be the ability that is versatile in use and brings the most utility to a team’s success.

Symbiote comes to mind because it can be used to hat any type of target (excluding monsters and enemy units), to soak experience in lanes where your allies or enemies aren’t, provide assistance to ally heroes in the form of: shielding, attack speed, burst heal (lvl 13), slow or speed boost (lvl 16), and hivemind (lvl 20).


Definitely Bloodthirst. You deal a tickle of damage, you get a tickle of health back. If you’re on death’s door, it’s a mildly larger tickle.

So good.

Junkrat’s Concussion Mine. Not only can it throw someone into a fort, much like Wrecking Ball, it is an escape, a peel, disruption, and a zoning tool. Going up against a good Junkrat is an absolute pain in the neck, mostly because of this one ability.


Zera blink pretty good too


I’m biased, so drag.


Murky egg. 8s respawn anywhere

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Are we talking with or without talents? Because without would definitely be BW’s Polymorph, but with I’d have to say ZJ’s Grievous Throw or ETC’s Face Melt.

That’s a Trait, and not even and activatable one, rather than a basic ability, so I’d have to say that doesn’t count.

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Shadow charge. Talk about gap closing. If you’re a squishy slightly out of position that is a death sentence in the hands of a good Diablo.

And at 16 when the ability refreshes that is even deadlier when I can basically charge into you in the middle of your team, and isolae you by dragging you back into my team.

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20 characters


Plasma Cutter is disgusting and does huge damage especially with the quest that makes it revolve an extra round.

Discord Strike is very powerful.

Symbiote is the most powerful boost you can give to any hero. Healing, shielding, extra attack speed, extra movement speed (or slowing enemy heroes), AoE spike damage. At 20 it can apply to two heroes at once.

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I know its technically a trait, but molten core on Ragnaros is fun.


idk 3 tap on the windfury is pertay nastay

It’s an active, not a passive.

Agreed that it’s not a basic ability tho

Safety Bubble. If that ability was on any other hero it would be OP.


It is though. It’s on dehaka who can move while burrowed with a talent. ANd it’s not op

Too many to choose. Here is just a short list.

  • Snipe: Low CD, can be reasonably accurate, late game deals 800 odd damage from a long range.
  • Living Bomb: Detonation spreads to enemies to proc other detonations. Huge damage if enemy is grouped. Completely free with trait usage.
  • Arcane Orb: If talented it hits like a truck. Well over 1k damage and practically no CD. Trait also CDs it instantly. Of course if one can land it is another question.
  • Entangle Roots: After a single lane game where Malfurion’s treant was hitting for 700 damage per second, this deserves a spot.
  • Death and Decay: Fully talented it deals near 1k DPS if stood in too long.
  • Wind Furry: Talented with full auto attack build this thing can burst for 2k+ damage easily.

And the talent that heals 40% of his health every use? Or the 50%+ movement speed?