What is the Most Powerful basic Ability

Medhiv’s portals.

20 rides.


Untalented damage ability? Arcane Rift. Built in CDR on hit and comes with a quest that makes it even more dangerous. Even without Masters Touch complete, medivh can melt the entire enemy team.


For the amount of hate it gets, I’m surprised that Tracer’s recall is not mentioned.

That depends…

Damage-wise? D.VA’s self destruct
Utility? Symbiote
Survival-wise? Medivh’s shield
Movement? Zera’s blink

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I would say it’s the ability to move. It allows you to:

-Get in position
-Chase after fleeing enemies
-Avoiding enemies’ attacks
-Retreat to a better ground

It’s super OP to the point that without it, you’re bound to fail.

It would be Biotic Grenade for me.


Concussion Mine. Same effect as Wrecking Ball when used competently, but unlike Garrosh Junkrat doesn’t have to walk up to someone and grab them in melee range,

Vault of the Wardens
Leap into the air, becoming immune to all hostile effects for 0.75 seconds.

And vikings jump
Thats even for 1,5s

That or lurking arm (stucovs silence)

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Illidan evade. 2.5 second of complete AA immunity with a cooldown that can be significantly reduced by fast auto attacks.

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Wraith Walk with Ominous Wraith and Royal Focus.

You can reduce the damage of the entire team by 50% for an eternity.

Morales’ Healing Beam.

Anas grenade got one of the highest damage potential in the game, so why not

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I would say kael’s living bomb against people that still clump up with it on them.

Damage wise, it’s talented Zeebo Spooders. It deals double the damage of Ragnaros’ ultimate, with its center’s damage :astonished:. And it has only 9 sec cooldown. It can LITERALLY 100-0 a squishy with Vile Infection, or it can 100-10 them without it (or it does kill them if you’ve also caught them in a Zombie Wall). Think this is the most underestimated ability / build in the game xP

  1. Garrosh’s wrecking ball.
  2. Anub’s carapace.
  3. Hanzo’s arrow.
  4. Maiev’s tether.
  5. Tyrande’s lunar flare.

Together these heroes create a team with basic abilities that are just about unbeatable.

Two problems with this one:

#1: This doesn’t work with squishy heroes, only tanks.
#2. You need Leoric’s Q in order to reset the cooldown.

(20 characters)

If I were to play a character with single ability vs other characters with Single abilities I’d guess I’d go with Sonya Whirlwind tbh… Either THAT or Frozen Tempest on Arthas

I’d guess those are the most impactful basic abilities IMO

Maeiv’s tether or medivh’s force of will.

I’ll throw in another vote for Junkrat’s Concussion Mine. It’s the most versatile of the strongest types of abilities: movement/displacement. It’s also uniquely both.

Next best ability type is probably going to be a non-skillshot CC, either Polymorph or another click CC like Hammer of Justice.

Speaking of Junkrat… No Mana, huge range, explodes on death, has a root… OP hero :no_mouth: