What is favorite female hero in the game?

Easy, Whitemane.

Very honorable mention to Nova and blonde Tyrande in red Greek/Valentine’s outfit.

Honorable mention to Jaina, Sylvanas, and Valera.


As I know all Key Leaders plus Nova are being found this Zerg hero (Abathur) has looking about reunion of 1960s Swinging London are take place in 1998 even would back to work soon later.

You are good answer! currently I used Whitemane avatar in the forums and being my best Healer hero in the game (even Morales or Ana are seen though different ones based on answer time).

Favorite? Hard to decide.

Best skin: Black evening gown Lunar Festival Jaina
Most fun to play: Ninja Lili
Most versatile and my highest win rate: Zag
Best lines: Kerrigan or BW

Zarya :muscle:t2:

20 char

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I love ummm. Qhira, Zarya, Johanna, Lunara, Zagara, Brightwing and Li Li. I’m sure I’m missing some but.
As for the favourite um
Ummmm… hmm.

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(It lays eggs, dammit!)


Stitches or Azmo


That dance is too much for me.


Character-wise, Nova.

Gameplay-wise, tie between Valla and Johanna.

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Sonya for her epicness.
For style, Warsong Johanna. Best skin in the game.
For giggitty, Valeera, but shhhh.
For play, Yrel.

Would probably say Johanna. That or Diablo with the female skin.

sonya for play, because Spin2Win is hilarious in aram when the enemy team are lacking spam CC

WM to look at, because…i don’t need to explain this. :kissing_closed_eyes: :ok_hand:

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Kerrigan. She is telepathic and therefore all masks are useless. There is nothing to be afraid of, thou are what thou are. And if she loves thou, then she shall love thou for who thou are - there is no greater value in the world than to be yerself without fear of reprimand.

Is stitches considered female? I mean its contructed with multiple bodies so idk in case someone finds that upper arm cute.

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That’s really narrowminded and oldfashioned of you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
He’s referred as a “he” by his friends (and even his enemies, you monster!).

Science of the Storm

Brightwing all the way. You either befriend her or get turned to sheep.

That’s tough but I’m gonna have to go with Mei. Fluffy, bespectacled waifu!