If you guys have favorite female hero in the game what would it be? i.e. Li-Ming & Whitemane are my favorite female hero in the game which I can find some of her fancy skins.
These 2 for me
abyssal dreadlord jaina
As I know my infamous Key Leaders being female heroes had just look like Cassia as Amazon.
also auriel, fr xD
Purely from a voice acting perspective, I’d say Whitemane.
But sadly I’m garbage at healing so for gameplay my favorite is Valla.
“Favorite” is too hard to answer. Top 3: Jaina, Li-Ming, Brightwing.
A tie between Tracer and Valeera.
Li Li, no contest!
Whitemane or Yrel, hard to choose.
You’re asking me to choose just one waifu? That’ll make all the other waifu’s sad and I can’t do that to them.
Asking me to pick a single Waifu out of HOTS is criminal.
I cna’t do it
NOt doing it
Not doing it!
Jaina, Li-Ming, Whitemane, Valeera, Valla. vaguely in order of fav to least.
Hard to pick an absolute favourite really but if i have to i’d say Jaina, Li-Ming super close though
Honourable mentions: Nova, Tyrande, Ghost Kerrigan, Alexstrasza, Qhira, Johanna. also in order of fav to least
Shame i suck at all these heroes, my fav chars are the ones i play worst at
I think i might’ve put too much thought into this…
Only female heroes i actively dislike are Sylvanas, Lunara, Ana & Chromie… actually sylvanas i utterly despise
Both, the wiser choice.
Im going to have to go lunara.
When they introduced a dryad hero, i was expecting the same ditzy, air heads from Warcraft 3.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lunara’s personality was sharp, witty and sassy. Bring on the nature puns.
Chell, oh wait, its a male in this game.
According to hero level, that would be nova, although lately most games were with ana (next to auriel basicly the only 2 healers i like playing). And there was a point where i also used tracer to finish the overwatch quests (which now is ofc replaced with ana).
So i would say ana, its a hero i often play, and still like playing.
The fact someone not named Melke mentioned her in this thread even as just an honourable mention has me smiling