What is favorite female hero in the game?

If you guys have favorite female hero in the game what would it be? i.e. Li-Ming & Whitemane are my favorite female hero in the game which I can find some of her fancy skins.

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:heart_decoration: :dragon:

These 2 for me :grin:


abyssal dreadlord jaina

As I know my infamous Key Leaders being female heroes had just look like Cassia as Amazon.


also auriel, fr xD


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Purely from a voice acting perspective, I’d say Whitemane.

But sadly I’m garbage at healing so for gameplay my favorite is Valla.


“Favorite” is too hard to answer. Top 3: Jaina, Li-Ming, Brightwing.

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A tie between Tracer and Valeera.

Li Li, no contest! :panda_face:

Whitemane or Yrel, hard to choose.


You’re asking me to choose just one waifu? That’ll make all the other waifu’s sad and I can’t do that to them.



Asking me to pick a single Waifu out of HOTS is criminal.
I cna’t do it

NOt doing it



Not doing it!

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Jaina, Li-Ming, Whitemane, Valeera, Valla. vaguely in order of fav to least.

Hard to pick an absolute favourite really but if i have to i’d say Jaina, Li-Ming super close though

Honourable mentions: Nova, Tyrande, Ghost Kerrigan, Alexstrasza, Qhira, Johanna. also in order of fav to least

Shame i suck at all these heroes, my fav chars are the ones i play worst at :frowning:

I think i might’ve put too much thought into this…

Only female heroes i actively dislike are Sylvanas, Lunara, Ana & Chromie… actually sylvanas i utterly despise

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Both, the wiser choice.

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Im going to have to go lunara.

When they introduced a dryad hero, i was expecting the same ditzy, air heads from Warcraft 3.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lunara’s personality was sharp, witty and sassy. Bring on the nature puns.

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Chell, oh wait, its a male in this game.

According to hero level, that would be nova, although lately most games were with ana (next to auriel basicly the only 2 healers i like playing). And there was a point where i also used tracer to finish the overwatch quests (which now is ofc replaced with ana).
So i would say ana, its a hero i often play, and still like playing.

The fact someone not named Melke mentioned her in this thread even as just an honourable mention has me smiling

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