We all know that the science in HotS doesn’t exactly add up, like Junkrat’s concussion mine needing ~1440 joules of energy to throw him ~10 meters into the air, which would probably kill him (thanks @AltRightFrog).
Any more examples?
Like cyro-freeze and ice block should give the person severe frostbite, and that grav surge has a visible event horizon, which means it’s a literal black hole.
Hmm, sounds accurate, if his weight is around 75 kilograms or 150 pounds. It truly takes a ton of energy to spring up a person that far up into air if they’re just standing still.
The physics of ice block could be fun to figure out. How cold would the surrounding air need to be to instantly solidify the surrounding air? I know air can freeze, but it takes really low temperatures.
Ice block would definitely be physically possible. But I guess you’d also die in it…
I once wondered why Qhira’s bleeding can apply to buildings… perhaps her blades uses nanobots to digest the inorganic materials. Although how she could rejuvenize herself from that is still a mystery to me.
Raynor and Tychus not running out of bullets still is a question too. Also Dva never answered how she always has a new mech ready (and where they come from).