What hero would you like to see Reworked or changed?

What hero would you like to see changed, reworked or what way would you like to see a hero you like or love changed (Mechanic, talents and/or abilities)?

Personally I would love to see Valla changed. Why? Because, I find the current state a bit to pale for my like, I love the design It feels in a sense a bit to strong but in a sort of balanced state, but I would like shake things a bit and see her more balanced toward a higher skill celling, Would love to see a change in her AA damage a bit lower and her health a bit higher, Personally I would love a higher % self heal at 13 with less basic AA damage to allow for more kiting. Might not be viable due to know fast some fights might end due to her AA build. it could have been similar to Valla before HotS 2.0 but less powerful due to how talents were back then.

Blaze. Don’t get me wrong, Blaze is one of my most played heroes in the offlane, but I think it would be healthier for the game if they just focused on his tank kit, as the game could use more viable tanks. Remove Incinerator Gauntlets completely, and give him some other utility talent, such as granting a move speed buff to allies walking through oil.


I like the idea, I though about blaze and he needs something to make him more of a threat like other tanks, his sustain has always been good and I feel he needs a bit more damage for some reason.

Less of a rework but rather a complete de-work of Whitemane and Tyrande.

Maybe on second thought Yrel could need one, although i dont know how exactly. She has some cool themes buut it does not quite fit together somehow.

Complete Mepthisto overhaul to tie in with Diablo IV. He is now a Bruiser which one of his skills is a summon.

Probably the only hero that would make sense for “changed”.


it wouldn’t be one hero for me. I’d suggest changing abilities into an “elemental” flag (fire, ice, nature, holy, arcane, null) so talents can be tuned for synergy boosts, or rather, some of the bloat of -armor might only apply to a particular elemental flag, so full damage amp is rare.

Toss flags on underpicked talents so they have a +1 condition on where they might stand out compared to meta picks


Arthas rework. LILI rework. Chen rework. Aba rework.


Increase the radius on his stun. That wouldn’t be OP, right? :wink:


Valeera sits atop of the lofty peak of heroes in need of a rework. As of right now she is a one trick pony even in vs A.I where the bots practically beg to be mugged in between lanes.

Yrel is a very weird Hero overall, she has a lot of self sustain and CC, which are her main traits and I know a very good Yrel that is literally the best I’ve seen. Yrel is one that you need to trick people a lot to hit her. I think Yrel could be reworked for less CC and more Damage, with a bit more health and less self heal or it could be with less health and more self heal to increase the skill ceiling.

I feel like Deathwing could use a LVL 20 Ultimate rework.

All the choices on that talent tier are completely underwhelming, especially for a LVL 20 Ultimate.


I´d actually double down on the self-heal, it´s her most interesting aspect alongside the ability to heal others as a tank.

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Well Butcher as stated in another thread make his E a Dash/Jump or something just remove the Point and Click maybe move Stun to his Q make Camps give Meat. Nova and Valeera also need a Rework Imho. Lastly Deathwing


Arthas is the only one that comes to mind when I think of someone that really needs (and deserves) a full hero redesign.

Maybe Valeera but I don’t see how they can really do that without essentially gutting her base kit, which I’d be fine with, but I’m sure many would not. WoW Rogue Energy and Combo Points do not work in this kind of game.

Deathwing could probably use some changes to make his kit feel better and less clunky, but I don’t think he needs a full blown rework.

Edit: Forgot one. Uther def needs a rework because his “healing” is garbage and his whole style of “being a burst healer without sustain” doesn’t really mean anything because his “burst healing” is terrible. Probably the worst designed hero in game next to Arthas.

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I find her kit is fine. The problem is the talents which look to be the result of three people having different ideas of what to do with her. One person wanted her energy meter to never so much as drop. Another person wanted her to be some sort of AA burst hero. The last person wanted her to be a melee spell slinger.

They could move the poisons and thistle tea to numbers 1, 2, and 3 (similar to how Xul has his shield) with them sharing a cooldown with perhaps some additional tinkering to keep them from being chained one after the other. Those talents can then be replaced with more impactful talents. The energy talents could be changed into combat or survival enhancements, and finally the AA talents could be changed for other improvements to the kit.

I’d like to see a Tyrael rework.

He is one of my favorite tanks to play, he has some interesting builds with some cool offensive CC, and just unique abilities that make for a well rounded tank.

About that, he is in unique area where he’s part tank, part support and part bruiser, but not exceptional at any. I think he could use a boost in at least one area.
And his trait is balls.

I like playing him in his current state, but it just doesn’t feel like you’re making that much of an impact on the game.

I like the majority of her kit, but some things could use tweaks. I almost never use the Assassinate opener.

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Valeera could use one too. Only have one good build while the rest does nothing.


Valeera is to the stealth assassins what Malthael is to the tank busters. If anyone wishes to play as stealth the other two are far better and less frustrating with better build diversity.

In vs A.I it is far better to use the icy-veins cookie cutter build than anything else. Even then it can take quite a bit of elbow grease to use her effectively.

A lot of her talents are extremely tilted. They sit in either borderline/completely useless or are needed.

Stealth is clunky compared to the other two as well, with her being the most useless/vulnerable once thrown out into the spotlight. Zeratul can pop in and out of combat while Nova can instantly enter stealth using Ghost Protocol while also having the advantage of being a ranged assassin.

Which wouldn’t be as much of a problem…if Valeera had talents that worked in and out of stealth similar to Greymane’s in how they work when he is fuzzy/notfuzzy. Or had some means of sustain or escape mechanism. Even a speed boost on Cloak of Shadows would help.

I may or may not have played as her a few times today before writing this.



He is outdated in almost every way. His trait designs a game that revolves around the feast or famine mindset, and even he isn’t good at it (Alarak does it way better).

His base kit and talents could use a redesign.