What happened to Whitemane? Please revert all talents/abilities to original

you will get used the more u play her, now it’s easier for most to understand her, so relax is not the end of the world

Warcraft 3 Reforged - “Hold my beer!”

I don’t want to “Get used to” a hero that feels like garbage, (Even though I have because I still like her character) I’d rather play a hero that feels fun from the outset and remains fun to play the whole time.


There’s nothing wrong with her E Q build, but this community is made up of parrots who can only copy the current meme build and think that its the only way to play.


O boi, I could write an essay about this xD
Ye, WM’s rework did some interesting stuff but overall she is a hot pile of garbage at the moment. It’s not that she’s a bad pick, it’s much worse. She’s Boring!

I would like her W talents back but keep the default Clemency.
Cause Clemency was terrible in the old build.
Also Fanatical power is gone but… her new trait is actually kinda cool.
I would like to keep the new trait but add Fanatical power as a talent on lvl 7 which increases her ability power gained and perhaps increase the risk. Maybe she gets even more armor removed or she loses life when she activates it.

The old lvl 4 to get her mana back when she casts W always ensured hilarity when combined with the lvl 1 to get more healing for every Q you cast.
It was basically her getaway mechanic. While running from 4 dudes (as ya do) she could heal herself to full by spamming 4 Qs on herself until out of mana, she could then turn around, cast a W get most of her mana back and do it all again xD
It was the funniest thing and I’m sad it’s gone honestly.

I had the best of times hearing “YOOUUUUU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!”
An Illidan catches me off guard, I activate Fanatical Power, and laugh at his face.
I Heal and Damage him more than he can do to me and I force him to retreat.
Now all ya can do is run. It’s just lame.

In her current state WM has to take Inquisitor’s Prayer at level 1 or else she just has no mana. It’s really stupid, I tried other builds, she is worse than garbage without it.
And it’s a really boring talent which just increases your max mana over the span of the game. She should either get that quest by default added to her E description or give her another option to get mana.

Ye those are my thoughts, I played her to lvl 33 and since the rework she was really no fun to play. I started playing Brightwing for a while but now my new go to healer is Stukov. He’s really fun.


Or what if her W interacted differently with desperation? Something like “Casting Inquisition while at 3 stacks removes all desperation” to get it closer to high inquisitor and not the current clunky single stack removal

Having never won a game with Whitemane on my team please do. Current Whitemane is absolute garbage.

Remember, folks!

They definitely read these forums and value our feedback.

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I don’t feel that the level 1 is necessary. Also her level 10 heroic which gives mana back (new feature to the rework), means that i dont really have mana issues for the rest of the game.

Another thing i find clunky is that saintly greatstaff only works for 3 seconds. After rooting your target with the lash-inquisition combo, greatstaff expires by the time inquisition finishes channelling.

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I doubt the old mana restoration would help, but she also needs the old damage dealing talents back, such as Fanatical Power and Righteous Flame actually having a higher bonus.

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I actually like how they tweeked righteous flame. Yes the potential is less (when target is CC’d, they now receive 50% more damage reduced from 75%). However, i do like that they added the unconditional 25% damage bonus. It’s more valuable than you realise.

To give some credit, they have listened to…some of the feedback and did things like readded a nurfed version of FP to her trait and reworked Saintly Greatstaff.

I maintain these things were because the rework was unfinished when it was released and needed extensive changes, but I can’t actually prove it so…


Didn’t even know Divine Reckoning gives back mana.
I never use it I’m Scarlet Aegis pretty much 100% of the time.
It’s just such a badass ult, I love it.

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Personally I enjoy Whitemane more now than before the rework after having played both iterations of her extensively, BUT I think her biggest issue right now is the same one that bogged her down before her rework: lack of talent diversity. In her current state, it’s hard to not recommend the Inquisition build because it’s just so reliable, unfortunately, I also find her Inquisition build to be super boring in comparison to the other options. I go out of my way to play Whitemane’s auto-attack and Searing Lash builds most of the time and get decent results after a lot of practice, but it’s quite clear that they require way more effort just to get similar output to the Inquisition build.

I think the level 13 row is the biggest problem area here, since it’s where you could argue the AA and Searing Lash builds come online. Subjugation is strong, but mostly just because of how powerful its synergy is with Shared Punishment. The synergy between these two talents is so good that it makes it challenging for the other two talents to justify the builds that they round out.

Personally, I’d prefer to mostly leave the level 13 and 16 Inquisition talents alone and address the comparative weakness of the other talents in the level 13 row.

For Saintly Greatstaff, I admit I really enjoyed the gameplay of it in the time when it was bugged to still double AA healing on top of its current effect. I don’t know if I could call it too strong or not, but it led to great sustained healing and made WM surprisingly tanky against over-eager flankers. If anything, I’d love to see at least some of the original functionality returned to that talent; double AA healing might be too much on top of the current effect, but +50% or +75% AA healing would allow Saintly Greatstaff to lead into a nice sustained-healing build.

The best change I could recommend for Lashing Out is to give partial cooldown reduction if only the first strike hits. Searing Lash has a painfully slow animation for what it does and while an effective cooldown reset is strong in theory it’s really challenging to count on landing the second strike consistently, ergo it becomes super-challenging to depend on this talent to turn Searing Lash into a good healing/damage ability. I really wouldn’t mind if the baseline animation speed for Searing Lash were also increased, but tying something like a 3 second cooldown reduction if only the first lash hits to Lashing Out might be enough to make Searing Lash into a risky, but not wholly unreliable, healing option.

I want changes like these. I don’t want Whitemane to be reverted to her old state because I don’t think the gameplay of blowing all my mana and hoping to latch a beam to someone to get it back is what made Whitemane interesting.


You fail to realise why people don’t play her in the first place. It’s not that she is weak but she is simply not fun, and there are two other heroes with similar play style that are less frustrating for half the effort.

What’s this W build you speak of?
I used to love the W build in the old WM but now I only see the E build as viable.
Share plz

Old chromie was my old favorite pubstomper. In some ways I understand why she needed to get a sledgehammer to the face in terms of a rework, although it pains me to admit it.

just wait till the dva and tass rework come out. does anyone want to beat on an AA build on both of them? that blizz devs learned nothing from the furry of the forums of AA WM?

Chromie was funny. I never played her before rework but that W man xD
Always when I saw it I made sure not to move left or right, I would usually move upwards, sometimes downwards. This was never anticipated by any Chromie I ever played against.
But when it did hit, oh boi. There was just nothing left of u xD

I will always say it, they destroyed my Whitemane. That’s what pushed me into making my own idea of a rework for her. It’s a pitty I cannot force them into making it real (or at least fixing her. I cannot be sure my rework would be the solution).