plz halp am Azmodam.
This thread may be of assistance.
I will post here often I feel.
Depends on the map. Anything specific?
A quick summary:
Every map has a different objective, but regardless of what the obj. is, it will always help your team in a big way, some times it will straight up win you the match.
After X time (variable per map) and several times in a match, the obj. will appear and is up to the teams to go fight for its bonuses/power (whatever reward the obj. offers to the team winning it).
You can ignore obj. (some experienced players will know when and how is it worth to ignore a part of the objective in order to do something better), but is not very recommendable, particularly if you are new to the game, since wining it is one of the main reasons you can win the match in both short and long terms.
There are many strategies for them, but you can learn them with time and experience. For now, stay focused on the map and watch what your teammates do. Most of the objectives are self explanatory (also at the loading screen of each match there is a quick summary of how the obj. works).
Hope this helps.
You commit the biggest tide of sin:
Split pushing to core.
Actually yes but not really, but he’s pretty much stack quest and long range poke with some global pushing capabilities.
I personally find myself doing a better job of stacking when joining team fights to hit heroes.
You don’t need to skip objectives to splitpush solo kill forts with azmo, so your sarcasm is misguided here XD.
the way you WIN any game in hots is by killing the enemy core
Map objectives help you achieve this, not actually make you win the game
I have had games where some people completely ignore the objective and still win because they won through macro
If you are an azmodan there is a AZMOGOCORE strategy that involves suiciding to gain access to the core and chip its health down. but you got to remember that when you die your team is at a disadvantage and the enemy team can possibly end the game due to your death
The thing that potatoes A) Ignores or B) Dies one by one walking into it…
This was not what happened. What happened is dude ignored the first four tributes to push top, then when the entire rest of the team joined him to push, he left for the next tribute that spawned, died solo, and then refused to do anything at all for the rest of the game.
We were all just like
Azmodan’s objective is to win lane and win game.
Who needs a team you got 30 minions to tank forts for you.
Well, he did neither, so.
Not possible if the Azmo wasn’t equipped with the Lakers jersey.