What can I do to get TL3?

You also have to throw out some likes too. I think some people forget this. I used to not give out too many likes but right before I got TL3, there were a bunch of posts that I either agreed with or were amusing so I gave out a bunch of likes that day and got TL3 the following day, I believe.


Do a sacrifice for mods here.

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Those 25% posts donā€™t have to be new ones.

You can read from last year and still count.

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Am I the only person that thought this was going to be a post about Lost Vikings stratsā€¦

Thatā€™s why.

Iā€™ve visited every day for a while (534 days)
Viewed 4400 topics
read 49 000 posts
Given 2000 likes
received 6400 likes
And never been flagged or suspended.

But Iā€™m not TL3.
There must be some trick to it.

You need to have an Artanis avatar.


Avatars cannot be changed.

ā€œAll things changeā€¦ā€

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TL3 is ā€œTrust Level: Regularā€, right?


As far as I know, basically if you can see a wrench icon at the bottom of any of your posts (which means you can give other people permission to edit your posts), you have TL3.

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Doubt thereā€™s some sort of magic trick. I got TL3 and I had no idea what I was doing lol

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Thatā€™s the thing. A lot of people I know constantly read and post donā€™t seem to have it, while others get it randomly.

I have the requirements, yet I donā€™t have it, and neither does Ana.

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Iā€™ve made it to TL3, lost it, made it, lost it, made it again. The only thing I have more of than you is ā€œposts readā€ at 72k. A bunch of those were just scrolling slowly while watching something else.


Yeah, itā€™s probably posts read. Heā€™s created 3 times as many posts as I have yet ā€˜readā€™ less posts than me.

I do a lot of scrolling, especially if a thread has numerous replies spanning a few days so I just go to the bottom so Iā€™m not continuing a conversation that has ended.




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Better start giving random hearts anna bannana

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Did they explicitly tell you you canā€™t get TL3 back? Because if not, Iā€™ll bet you itā€™s just that you havenā€™t hit the (honestly ridiculous) posts-read requirement. You have to have read something like 20k posts within the last 100 days or some percentage of all posts made in the past 100 days, whichever is less.

Iā€™d recommend finding a bunch of big threads ~100+ made within the past couple weeks and ctrl - to shrink the content of your browser page to minimum size, then just press and hold the down arrow key. You can easily knock out a couple thousand posts a day, and as long as you can find new threads to post in you should be able to get it back within a day or two.

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You might not. Itā€™s 20k of the posts made within the past 100 days. This forum has been up for over 2 years now, over ~700 days, and you only have 49k posts read and have been active almost that whole time. I donā€™t think youā€™ve read enough posts in the allotted period of time.

Iā€™ve got almost double your posts-read count, and Iā€™ve had TL3 for less than a year at this point.

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