What are some trap talents people keep taking?

The only reason I call it a trap talent, is because it’s a trap talent for learning. If you’re playing Lucio the only thing that really requires learning is to wall ride. Talents that facilitate this means you’re not trapping yourself in a bad pattern.


This has nothing to do with follow up, also you’re assuming that you’ll need to use DC at the same time as sleep? Or that you’ll have enough time to sleep the whole enemy team when you’re at 25% HP?

You can’t just assume that conditions are going to somehow be perfect. That’s exactly why DC is a trap ultimate.

Yeah, that kinda makes sense tbh.

Sleeping 3-5 players from the enemy team is normal for Mal’Ganis. If you aren’t doing that, then you’re screwing up as Mal’Ganis. Badly.

Mal’Ganis is a tank and he excels at CC/diving the back line. If you’re not at 25-50% hp and use DC, you’re an idiot just like how you’re an idiot for popping Mosh Pit without any allies nearby to combo.

It’s like calling Shadow Fissure bad because it needs some form of CC to go off 90% of the time.

So what you’re saying is that you’re going to initiate on the enemy team with 25% HP, try to sleep all of them without dying, and then use DC.

Or you’re going to get to 25% HP by initiating, somehow try to cast DC or sleep while almost dead and get out alive?

Your flaw isn’t a lack of sleeping 3/5 of the enemy team, you simply lack the order to pull it off.

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Where do I find the allies that wont wake them up after 1s? :stuck_out_tongue:


No, don’t make assumptions. If you’ve questions, ask.

You initiate with near full health, let them beat on you a bit, sleep dash them and activate DC when appropriate.

You also shouldn’t wait until 25% because the moment you activate DC any smart enemy is going to pounce on you. I typically activate it at around 35-40% for this reason, just in case I can’t sleep the team and they have enough burst to get through Mal’Ganis’s armor. The extra 500-800 damage isn’t worth the risk when you’re using it the way you’re suggesting to use it.

DC is fine, you just don’t know how to use it properly. :confused:

Or maybe you’re vsing AI, where DC is absolutely inferior because the AI, frankly, is too stupid to use combos like that on and you’re better off not playing Mal’Ganis vs AI.

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It could stand to use some buffs. In dia/master it has a 38% popularity with a 42% winrate. Even at higher levels of gameplay when people are picking it, doesn’t seem to be working its magic compared to CS that has a 55% winrate.

Even reducing stacks lost from 3 to 2 on death would help a bit.

I can stay at 12 stacks for the rest of the game but I have to play very passively and use jump the moment it looks like anyone is even thinking about diving me.

Though I find if the enemy has a D.Va (not that often), the stacks are very easy to gain back in a few seconds (for some reason they love to facetank shots without gaining anything in return).


That’s because imo CS is just safer and enables more plays.

Like, for example, I’ll pop CS to dive over the tanks and bruisers to get the healers and assassins or to chase down a low health target that we need dead - or as an escape. It’s versatile whereas DC isn’t.

I don’t think DC will get buffs because of how absurdly strong it is. Taking one of their heroes and basically 1 shotting it is potent and with the lvl 20 talent for it, that’s a potential team wipe play - especially with BaaB follow up.

I tend to go DC vs a double tank composition with a small amount of CC, CS vs everything else. Both have uses, neither are bad but DC needs you to turn on your brain, CS…not so much lol.

i feel compelled to post my own tripple tap now.

before i watch it… will that stop my bleeding?

Redemption just feels too risky. Building stacks is painful and losing them on death is rough. I would take the talent more often if getting stacks built attack speed towards the end quest as you went. I think that talent is overdue for a buff.

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I agree, CS is safer and enables more plays.

This is not to say Dark Conversion can’t be powerful, but that’s exactly why it’s a trap talent.

Too many Mal’ganis’s go in assuming that DC will save them, but in reality CS is much better at saving Mal’Ganis in dire situations.

I think DC could use a slight buff. A small increase to the heals per second after landing it could greatly improve his survivabilty. That or slightly reducing the cast time since you have a very limited range on it to begin with.

the point is that the reward turns you into a killing machine. lots of noobs try to go for it but can never get it.

Totally agreed! DC is the dark horse talent. It’s strong and good but much more difficult to pull off. That doesn’t make it a trap talent though.

A trap talent would be Tassadar’s lvl 20 that creates a Storm with Black Hole because even if it looks good on paper, it’s just bad no matter how you use it.

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Even experienced Hanzo players struggle to get and keep that quest up. It could use a small buff and there are a number of ways to do that. I don’t think Hanzo is anymore dangerous with completed redemption than either of his other quests. The only difference is he plays more vulnerable when using redemption.

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I’d rather increase the leash range of it, that way it’s harder to walk out of range and cancel it.


That’s another way to buff it. I’ve never had anyone walk out on me though. Mostly, I either get bursted before the cast goes off or die after landing being focused while still low.

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