What are some trap talents people keep taking?

Talents that seems good on paper but not in practice.

Convection, Dark Conversion, Prog Rock (61% popularity yet the worst of the three), Zei’s Vengeance, Party Mix (Accelerando is best), Eternal Hunger (it’s good but people misuse it 90% of the time).


Triple Trap, er, Tap.


Anything but Icy Veins at level 13 on Jaina.


In uncoordinated play: Hanzo’s Redemption. 9 times out of 10, I’m seeing a Hanzo that effectively has no lvl 1 talent all game long.

I also think Cassia’s Ring of the Leech is a bad pick in comparison to its neighbours, and that power strike is vastly overestimated in comparison to Static Electricity.

I like Prog Rock, but more for the extra self-healing than the ally heals (although that doesn’t hurt). I do like and use all three level 1 talents, and I think all of them have their place.

To me, the real trap talent on ETC is Death Metal. Sure, you can see some funny things happen when the enemy team doesn’t press Tab ever, but I get so much more value out of Storm Shield or Bolt. And any time I feel like I can get away with Tour Bus, I take it. I feel that talent is severely underrated. Few things are most satisfying than the ambush Mosh.


Death metal for me is a very niche talent that i pick when im getting burst down and cannot land great moshpits. Its won me games by itself. But its niche and when people pick it in the 90 percent of time that they should have picked storm shield its awful.

I agree with you on healing talent for etc. Block party is great vs aa but i dont think id ever pick the aa healing.


I do like Guitar Hero when they have a lot of melee, and no blinds. Extending the duration of his E is no joke. If they have mostly poke damage or blinds, I will stick with Prog Rock.

I feel Redemption with all AA talents is necessary vs 2 heavy tanks, Q or W simply wont lead to any kills.

But the keyword is coordinated play, it works best in a premade.

nonsense. both prog rock and party mix are good.


Arsenal Synergy, En pointe, Chaotic attack and Ravenous Hunger.

I wish this was good, because the concept sounds fun, but the 1 second delay when switching to phase bomb renders this entire talent borderline unusable.


It it really one second? I’ve picked this for kicks and giggles. It was a lot of fun to play. Mainly when people are running for their lives in groups. True, I don’t know that it gives as much value as the other two options.

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On Leoric, Anything but Ossein Renewal Lvl 1.

On Falstad, Secret weapon. That talent is SO bad. I wonder if it isn’t the game’s worse talent.


It feels like it’s a full second. It’s a very bad hamstring for a talent that is otherwise very fun, but I feel you’re always better off to just take the +damage on plasma cutter hit.

I think the issue is that you generally switch onto it after firing your regular basic attack, which sets the attack on its ‘cooldown’. If you switch then, it resets the cooldown, but now it’s the phase bomb’s cooldown, which is way longer.

…did you just call Dark Conversion a trap talent? LOL

I wouldn’t even say it is bad, cause you could make a case for full AA Falstad with Giant Killer, but this talent does defeat the whole purpose of why you pick Falstad: Waveclear + splitpushing.

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this is a curious list to say the least. i would like to debate it but i fear we may be here all day if i start doing that since most of what you just said i have an issue with.

But Giant Killer doesn’t benefit from either Season Marksman or Secret weapon. And the value of secret weapon would still be limited even with this build. You get 3-4 attacks with extra damage max.

I’ve seen people mention that build before, but you still get higher dps (and general value) by picking BOOMerang into it.


I think the delay is shorter if you switch to Phase Bomb after a fourth Repeater shot instead of the third.

Haven’t played Fenix in a while though so I could be wrong.

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