What’s your favorite build you can’t do often?

What’s a build you love to play but can’t often do so (either due to team constraints or it’s been nerfed)?

I have a few, but my recent favorite is Uther’s hammer build. It’s very fun to keep people stunned to no end, but you need a lot of melee heroes to whack to make it effective.


Kel’Thuzad chain bomb build with Death and Decay talents with Deathchill at level 20 as the icing on the cake. It is so much fun but requires so much to line up in order for it to even happen.

  1. Bots have to all be at Recruit or lower. Otherwise they head for the hills with Frost Blast lucky to hit more than one. Same with Q talents as the bots will immediately leave their area unless hit with a lot of crowd control. Otherwise setting off Deathchill’s effect becomes difficult.
  2. Have to hit 20 and have the bots all be close together in order to get any use out of Deathchill, meaning that the only matches I can do this more than once are when I am milking the daily experience bonus. Matches with living teammates I get at best one opportunity to unleash that much wanton destruction, and it requires me to pass up picking The Damned Return.
  3. Have to map fish for Tomb of the Spider Queen or settle for Blackheart’s Bay. Other maps are hard/impossible to keep the match going long enough to give me the chance to put the entire bot team into a temporary ice age more than once. HotS is stingy in handing over either map, so I have to really be in the mood to want to do such a thing.
  4. I have to be more interested in doing all this instead of going Shadow Fissure for corpse-yeet shenanigans.

It requires so much elbow grease, but when it does happen, watching those chain explosions is one of the most satisfying things I have seen in this game.

Maximum party time is when the bot team rolls TLV and Rexxar.


bush dehaka
mainly map constraints and bush positioning
but should i get a good map i make damn sure that all the bushes are mine and mine alone.
cant do it as much as i want though

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I said this before in a very similar thread. Zul’jin recklessness build for multiple reasons.

  1. Overzealous healers
  2. “i’M PaDDiNg mY hEalS”
  3. In my case, and anyone else that plays vs AI, low hp equals top priority target for ai

And yes, I know, AI bad. I’ve had way too many bad experiences in leagues and quickmatch to ever go back to it. But as long as I’m still having fun, that’s what really matters.


Deathwing’s melee build. When conditions are right, this build is not only effective, but can feel oppressive. Vs a melee heavy enemy team who also lack mobility, it’s just a little too easy to dish out the damage and sustain yourself through damage received, perhaps why they nerfed the build.


Melee build was just too good on release. Now its just a meme and range build is what people play now. Sad he ends up as just another range mage instead of an all in melee hero.

For myself I always take Q quest on Alarak. Mostly becasue i find it satisfieing to hit that 3x hero on a single Q and get quest instant completed.

Throwing hands as Stukov. Just…getting in there and putting that Strong Hand to work.

The sound of him backhanding someone is so satisifying and while he does not hit as hard as when he was released, seeing health bars get chunked with every hit is satisfying. He also isn’t as bulky as he was upon release. Stukov was a hidden bruiser back in the day.

Unfortunately, above adept A.I and/or bad A.I team, it is not always possible to get in there to slap the bots around. Being able to toggle between ranged and melee with Fetid Touch at level 1 makes it easier.


Azmodan wrath build. So fun only use it when it’s ARAM and I don’t care about winning or losing.

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This used to be my favorite build back when it was oppressive and Dwing was stupid overpowered. His damage combined with his built in unstoppable meant that nobody could stop you from going anywhere you want.

“Send your tank in, idgaf. He ain’t moving me off the point.”


Ragnaros AA/Q build.

Because it only works agaisnt teams with No CC. (Everything works against these so I don’t know what the devs were thinking)

See also, most melee heroes AA build.


Valla’s auto attack build is very fun, but it requires lots of melee targets.

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Valla is ranged though. AA builds are easier to pull off if you don’t have to hug your enemies.

wait a moment I just clocked it

how dare you, you’re the zuljin that goes recklessness build when you have an anduin and auriel aren’t you! I will have answers zul’jin player you will make it make sense!

also not even in ai can I actually play sphere Kel’thas tis a pity I really want to try it and see it not be mediocre

That’s usually what I use when I play as him; all the trait talents. A.I avoid spreading his bombs and flamestrike when above Recruit so I just bomb and AA them into oblivion. They’ll go out of their way to avoid spreading the bombs to the point whatever push they are doing just…goes down the tube, which itself is some gnarly crowd control.

After taking Phoenix at level 10 Kael zones the bots so hard it’s funny. Especially during objectives that have moving targets like Gardens, Shrines, ect. where you can just give them a burning present and the A.I won’t come near with a ten foot pole.

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Lol, no. I’m not. I specifically pick headhunter in that case. And amani hide. Now considering team setups in ai, and since ai has no penalty for it, (for F@#$ sake blizz, fix the ai team matchups already, I’m sick of this S@#$) , if I see 3 (or 4) healers pop up when I pick zuljin, I alt+f4 before the match starts. Not dealing with that.

I used to have decent timing on zuljin when it came to things like timing when to run, or when to pop tazdingo, but per my first 2 points, that’s gone out the window, never to be seen again.

Evolve Monstrosity Volatile Mutation Evolution Complete Abby… but alas, even at the best of times my APM being too weak to register on a APM Meter limits my Abby Play Opportunities to unimportant goof off Matches… 99.9% of the time vs AI Foes… :frowning:

Also, I really like Zul’jin and Sgt. Hammer, but my proneness to Bloodthirst + difficulty playing and trying to stay Map Aware + being a very hyper aggressive Zul’jin also relegate them to ‘goof off matches’ only. :frowning:


Sonya’s damage build is risky but it’s fun to do bigger spikes in teamfights and clear lanes faster

Rehgar Bloodlust.
It’s pretty rare that you’re team composition will truly benefit more from it than Ancestral Healing.

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oh ya you gotta do BL always, just like Judgment and Malf’s dmg ult haha
if your team is terrible, who knows it might throw a wrench in things and win the game

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I always take Judgment. I’m too judgemental not to!