The Tyreal/Greymane meta was pretty OP before sanct got nerfed. Reason why I see more who take the dive ult.
On-topic. If im in the mood with Butcher I mostly go E build with Furnace ult for big boom.
The Tyreal/Greymane meta was pretty OP before sanct got nerfed. Reason why I see more who take the dive ult.
On-topic. If im in the mood with Butcher I mostly go E build with Furnace ult for big boom.
When it comes to Bloodlust, like many things in Hots, I think it’s best picked when you’re teamed as a full 5 stack.
Bloodlust very powerful with the right comp, but like many Ults, its effectiveness can fall off when used with randoms, at least compared to Ancestral Heal, which requires the player it is used upon to do nothing.
TLV raiding party: Not having them part ways but having them together to then pummel the A.I into submission. Depending on map and A.I difficulty it is possible to body block a bot with all three to then turn the bot in question into a chalk outline. Against the A.I TLV can put out some impressive damage numbers.
Obviously, not a great strategy against actual players, but also a niche one against A.I. Have to be in matches with an A.I team with little to no AoE while also not being to high of difficulty.
Usually go with Nordic Attack Squad at 13 to maximize damage but at the cost of passing up Jump! which can be a lifesaver.
W-build Dehaka is just kinda worse–most of the time, but against heavy melee comps, you have 100% uptime with 50% spell armor and the fastest essence generation Dehaka is possible to pull off.
Funny ya mention that… i’m a W Dehaka.
L1: Enduring Swarm
L4: One-Who-Collects
L7: Symbiosis
L10: Isolation
L13: Primal Swarm
L16: Tunneling Claws
L20: Essence Claws
Dehaka’s not lacking in tools to interfere with Kiter’s efforts to Kite. When playing him in Matches, pretend it’s Jurassic Park, and YOU are the Dinosaur… think like one!
Q build murky. Especially with q 20 instead of Big Tuna Kahuna. It feels so bad to pick q20 if you already died a ton, you’re unlikely to get any value.