Well there you go you big babies (50.2 tower nerf)

That can work out, but I prefer to think of it like Starcraft static defense.

Towers could also have an artificial armor buff until a certain time. This would enforce the lane phase or whatever you want to call it in this game, which players might hate. I don’t think that buff is needed since if you tunnel 5 people in one lane you lose exp in two other lanes.

If the 4 man kills the other 4 man though, the tower is gonna go down in the next wave, which is too easily done for me.

Taking the time armor plating stays on the turrets from LoL, and the playerbase wanting shorter matches than LoL, we could have armor plating until 7 minutes? It could activate only if 3+ players on the enemy team are within 2000 range. That’d be a cool anomaly to try. Solo bruiser lanes won’t be affected as their damage output is lower than 3-4 players in the group so towers wouldn’t get their armor buff activated

Hots players on the forum love to spout, “hots culture loves comeback mechanics” and this turret plating would slow down tower taking which slows the snowball effect of games

Not really, because the defenders could just help clear the minion wave, and any halfway decent player knew this (which is why people saying Towers were “useless” are basically admitting to being bad at the game).

Besides, you have your Gate that you can walk behind, and if they tried to follow you over you had the Fort and its slow to back you up. Only a handful of heroes could do that before, but guess what? They can do that even better now that the Fort slow is gone.

Pre-aggro change, defenders had an intrinsic advantage that forced the most attackers to play cautiously if they didn’t have their own overwhelming advantage (such as numbers, a merc wave, or an Objective) to outmatch the defenders’ advantage.
Now, Bruiser merc waves are basically useless, Objectives offer only half their old advantage, and numbers advantages are quickly whittled down by Tower fire.

No, that’s their job in general.

The Tank is the one who is supposed to tank the boss. The Tank is the one who is supposed to tank mercs. The Tank is supposed to tank hero attacks. The Tank is the member of the team who is durable enough take damage in the place of their less durable teammates, so that is what they should be doing.

Why would structures be an exception to this rule?

Also yes. Defenders should not be able to win a 1v5 or 2v5 just because they’re hiding under their Towers.

The structures are there to defend a position, a part of your base. If you are in that position, especially behind those fortifications, you are naturally protected by that.

But the Towers’ purpose is not to protect you.

Probably the best analogy to this I’ve heard is Starcraft gameplay. You do not build defensive structures to defend your army. You build static defenses to defend your base.
You can use them in conjunction with each other for optimal effect, yes. But the purpose of those static defenses is to protect your base and stall for time while your army arrives to help.

In other words, you are there for the primary purpose of helping your Towers. Your Towers primary purpose, however, is not to help you.

Yeah, that’s another of my complaints about the Tower changes. The whole purpose of shoving a lane is to get minion waves to distract the Towers. Now, that purpose is mostly gone if there is a hero defending the Towers.

That’s already how it was in HotS, though more because of the Gate than the Towers. You had a way to escape from (most) opponents, breaking line of sight so they can’t target you and putting a barrier most enemies can’t follow you through in between yourself and them.

The Turrets in LoL are supposed to provide a safe zone. HotS’ Gate provided an even better safe zone than LoL turrets even before this change.

Gates are easily killed in HOTS. Walls are also easily broken too. What we can rely on (especially if hp is buffed) is the towers that are left without walls and gate.

Gates actually have more health than Towers do, and are not considered an immediate threat by most players despite the significant advantage they offer. Walls are even lower priority because they cover an even smaller area and do not allow allied units to pass through them.

HotS Towers don’t need to be as threatening as LoL Turrets because there are 2 of them and because they are accompanied by that Gate. All those factors combined makes the wall in front of the Fort a significantly more formidable defensive structure than a LoL Turret.


Except for the fact abilities can damage structures in this which means they go down faster or just as fast as a LoL turret. When everyone can damage them and not just the marksman, the damage adds up

In LoL most marksmen don’t outrange the turret while mages in hots do

Individually? Sure. But all together? Not without an Objective pushing or the defenders being hopelessly outmatched.

Besides, matches in HotS are typically shorter than matches in LoL. Of course things are going to happen faster as a result.

Your last paragraph then begs the question if hots turrets are as threatening as LoL turrets in the early game. If hots games are shorter, then they aren’t as threatening as LoL turrets.

Other factors That could skew the analysis Of turret strength between games would be the presence of objectives in hots, LoL having three lines of turrets while hots only has two, and the maps in hots are smaller while players have mounts. This allows players to roam and help other lanes push faster when their lanes are pushed out Already

You do realize HotS has Objectives and mercs and Bosses, right?

HotS’ Towns are far more formidable defensive positions than any one of LoL’s lone Turrets, or even the 2 directly defending the Nexus (LoL’s version of the Core). This is why Objectives and mercenary camps are so important in this game, because you often need that extra pushing power to actually get much done.

Additionally, LoL has almost twice as many Turrets as HotS does Towns on a 3-lane map. HotS’ Towns are stronger, but less numerous, with only 2 per lane as opposed to 4.

It’s not though, they can tank structures.
They just can’t tank structures AND enemy heroes, but that’s what the rest of the team is supposed to be for.

Well yeah, I agree, I did say they should be able to.

Yeah, sort of.
But it’s not only for when your army isn’t there, it can bring power to your army as well.
I’ve seen some terrifying Planetary Defense positioning, or Spine Crawlers with Broodlords.
It’s a shame the only thing like that in Heroes is the place-able turret, available only on a small portion of the maps.

That’s how it was before.

But prior to this most recent nerf, many Tanks struggled to tank structures alone for more than a couple seconds. That’s why they lowered the armor reduction cap and reduced Towers damage, to make it so they could actually do that. The total damage output of a Fort is actually about the same as it used to be against heroes after one shot due to the armor reduction, and is 10% higher than it used to be after the second.

Personally I’ve seen more team dives since the change.

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I don’t understand why HotS needed this system in the first place. Not having the base focus characters was one of the last defining features of this game. With every patch it’s like this game tries to “save face” by attracting a crowd from another MOBA but in doing so all it does is make HotS a worse version of itself and ANOTHER MOBA. The experience given on release was imo when the game was at it’s most fun but they catered too much to the pro scene and really tried to make it competitive with other MOBAs instead of making HotS the best version of itself that it can be. IMO this is why this game is failing, don’t listen to the carebears… just let them go back to LoL or AI where they belong.


I just want the return of the old system from before this anomaly, there are way to many problems right now… i dont want to list them all… again, but raynor, murky and guldan’s ults causing them to be targeted, area spells hitting heroes by accident, stuns causing you to be targeted, inablity to use lifesteal undertower (malthael, sonya)… the change itself being irritating and affecting diffrent heroes diffrently… johanna being vurnerable to turrets now when she wasn’t in past, yrel being compleatly immune to turrets on ult… this affect some heroes not at all… some heavly… and some like malthael are playable but playing them just doesnt feel fun… i loved playing malth before… now i cant even touch him without being irritated… and so on and so on


Honestly, the new update with towers makes them pretty much useless. They do nothing and anyone can stand under them and take no damage. Reall?!?, and. if you’re a tank you can pretty much just stand there and eat all the shots and kill all the towers like its nothing. The core is 100% useless anyone can tank that and dance there as well and not die lol. the update pretty much says okay mines well remove the towers and forts because they really do nothing lol. i dunno what counter play there is to a useless towers and forts and core, there is no punishment when it comes to some idiot making stupid dive forward plays anymore, you can cc someone under your own fort and 2 two towers and nothing happens they just walk away like it never happened. And if they get armor and the tower only takes 20 they take normal dmg with the towers which is pretty much nothing.

That’s cos your positioning sucks. Learn to position

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Because that’s what you want to see. You have a view of how something should be, so your mind selectively negates conflicting evidence whilst bolstering experiences that reinforce your beliefs to be more prominent.

A lot of hots players are really just cry babies who wants a braindead gameplay. The towers were fine, you just had to adapt but no, crying is easier. LoL had those towermechanic since release and they do really a lot damage but does anyone cry? no, they use that thing whats inside their head and learn how to play instead of cry for a nerf

You say it like if tommorow their towers changed they would not complain.
The devs could just have made the towers change focus on players.
40 armor shredding shots were not needed.

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Well I WANTED this change, so if it was something I am just perceiving then that is weird. This Was one of the only things from LOL I liked.
I thought it would have more of an impact (even at full strength) but didn’t see it stop as many pushes as I thought it would. I did notice it had more of an impact to stop pushes with objectives but dives against single opponents it didn’t stop Especially if the divers were with their team.
With this latest nerf after the armour Dubuff shots I would include the slow to stop people getting away if they overstay their welcome.