Well there you go you big babies (50.2 tower nerf)

So you have 0 answers to my questions.
Why are you stating then that the changes are based on “what players wanted”?
Why are you saying that devs “listened to feedback” when you can’t even point out what feedback or where does it come from?

:smiley: my statements are false right?
But yours are correct.
Despite the fact that you couldn’t even answer ONE of my questions.

Not sure to remind you, but threads here and on reddit don’t represent the game population, nor its ideas or opinions. Forums are mostly made by a vocal minority, not a majority of the players.

BTW, on what tournaments did they gather the data? On the unofficial ones? Because there are no official hots tournaments. You are like 2 years late.

“All high rank players requested that last hitting should grant exp and they added it 2 or 3 weeks later”
Yeah of course they did. because before, you had to stand 14 range away and get the exp. With that stupid exp changes, you had to walk to 4 range to be able to collect the exp globe. That wasn’t a request to have last hitting in a game. That was a request to make the useless exp changes at least a bit bearable without straight breaking half of the heroes.

Of course it is true.
Vikings/aba cannot soak in bush anymore, nor they can stand 14 range away to soak passively.
Azmo’s Q didnt get exp after killing the creeps (was later changed after uproar).
A lot of other ranged abilities didn’t provide exp for kills.
That is the reason they changed the last hitting and that’s why it was requested from the pros. Because it was utterly and inherently broken.

:smiley: yeaaah, I’m unwilling to learn, but you needing a VISUAL INDICATOR of experiences is proof that you are good and you are learning. Thumbs up for you.
Tower changes brought nothing, you are supposed to defend your keeps and towers, not vice versa.
Ah, “listening to feedback” once again. What feedback? Where is it from? Will you just throw some random things like “forums and tournaments” like before?

The game is changing and yes, some heroes are becoming useless. That’s why the constant talent changes, buffs, nerfs, skill tree ‘updates’ and so on.

I am not sure if you don’t see it, refuse to see it or you are casual enough that you don’t understand it. Regardless of what the reason is, I can see that you clearly believe that what ever blizz does is good for the game and is based on facts.
The last 2 years clearly shown that it is not the case, but sometimes there is no help for white horses.

Just a bunch of salty nonsense, as I expected. Won’t waste my time on that :wink:

:smiley: “salty nonsense”, ofc.

Try to answer one of my questions white horsey, then we can talk.

Funny. What are you doing right now?
Not like the change went away, it got changed to give the diving side a bit of leeway.
How about you adapt now?
Now the diver still has towers blasting him and now the defender has to put a bit of effort on defending himself.
I see it as a good 50/50 change.


I gave you plenty of reasonable answers to your first frivolous post, that you however just answered with more hyperbolic, insulting and ridiculous questions. There’s nothing to discuss.

I’m fine with the change but still no explanation from them on why they don’t do no armor shred but increasing damage from each shot until a cap. Switching targets within 5 seconds of firing maintains that high damage

Flat damage would allow tanks to tank and damagers to get hurt more

I think they just tried to lower the armor before doing that.

What would make them want to have armor shred over flat scaling damage? If their intention was to make ALL heroes be afraid of the tower when diving, then I’ll accept that.

If they wanted to punish tanks that relied on armor more than low health assassins, then there was an unintended consequence. They still didn’t take out the armor shred so the first paragraph above this one is likely to be true. They want all heroes to fear a dive

You didnt explain where you have the information.

“Some” feedback, “some” tournament, “some”…
That’s not answers.
But w/e, cant argue with ignorance.

I’d rather them return the tower slow and even reduce the armor reduction. This is only if it’s based on the idea it stops “tower divers” as it doesn’t hurt a Genji or Zeratal as much as a slow did.

Seriously? They stated several times that they listen to the feedback and as I told you as an example pretty much every single high level streamer said that last hitting should be added to the XP anomaly and then they added it - how does that not show that they listen? Now there were tons of threads and tons of streamers that said that pushing feels too punishing now and as a response they reduced armour reduction through buildings by 20 and dmg done to heroes by 10% - reducing the armour reduction was also suggested by plenty of high level streamers by the way.

I said I assume they also watch (ofcourse unofficial, never said there still were official ones you smart clown) tournaments because they still fine-tune a lot of the heroes according to the highest level of play and make changes that high level players request sometimes as well.
They also sometimes directly respond in the patch notes to stuff that was said on the ITN podcast for example or they respond to popular opinions, they also obviously look at stats for the most part.

Woah, it only took 10 posts to get somewhere…

Yet they didn’t say to what feedback. From who? By the way, listening to feedback of potatoes and casuals may sound good but is harmful in the long run.
You should never balance the game around bad players.

Also regarding the high ranked streamers and the last hit, I explained that before. Whole exp changes were bad and broken, because abilities wouldn’t collect experience from creeps. Thus any long range hero had 0 chance to get the experience. Of course all high level players complained and asked for last hit giving experience. That still doesn’t make the exp globes a good change.

Pushing feels punishing. Yes, the whole tower mechanics is bad. So instead of removing it, they are nerfing it and changing it so it can stay after the season ended. Is it a good change? No. Are they changing it because everyone complains? Yes. Will they remove it? No. So my original post is still standing.

Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Saying is one thing, doing it is something else. They don’t communicate properly, thus most of the time we are always unaware of what are they trying to do. Also, most of the patch notes doesn’t look like they play their game or are making changes based on tuning or so. Aka latest Tyrande talent swap and Zeratul’s new 20 lvl talents. They make 0 sense, won’t change anything and will keep 0 pickrate.

Players fall onto two sides of the xp globe debate. One says it takes longer for ranged to pick them up if they don’t last hit and that’s bad as it takes time away from roaming to other lanes or objective

I say it’s a good change because it allows players to deny each other exp in the form of punishing the player who moves forward to risk getting the xp

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They are balancing the game around the best players to a certain extent. It is why Genji and Medivh are sitting at such low winrates, because you need to be insanely good on them to make them work.

You have a different take on the exp globes than me, which is totally fine. I brought it up to proof that they listen to feedback, which i mentioned like 3 times by now. Let’s just leave it there. Can you not agree that it is clearly proving that they listened to the feedback as they changed it in a way that a lot of people wanted it?

But that’s where you just put your own bias into it once more. You think it is a bad change. It’s not true that everyone complains. Some people do think like you regarding it. Some people think it is a good change as it is, some think it is just not perfectly executed/ tuned yet.

Oh come on dude that is just ridiculous to say. They are once again listening to continuous feedback, as a lot of former Tyrande players miss her old owl-build playstyle. They removed it for good reasons (mainly so she can be a full healer without being broken as the game lacks/ lacked healers) but them moving Ranger back to 1 is kind of an interesting compromise - maybe she can fit in a comp as a 2nd aggressive healer now. Buffing everlasting seems fine too as it still is the weakest one and buffing Darnassian that way is good too since it wasn’t really a choice on 16 before. I think Tyrande needs her cleanse earlier again to be a broader pick again - it’s fine if that doesn’t happen though as she’s been dominating in the early stages of the game (from alpha to many months after full release) and then after her full-healer rework for about a year as the top priority healer pick.

That’s the kind of “nonsense” that I meant. You were just trying to insult me. The indicator is meant for newer players and for people who don’t care about soaking - not for Master players like me :wink:

It brought new strategies and gameplay mechanics that you have to learn, you can look at games from the amateur pro scene if you wanna see how that can look like ideally.

I play solo queue Stormleague 90% of the time and am in Master on the EU server. I don’t believe that everything what Blizz does is good for the game (what the corporation ActiBlizz does is usually pretty bad for the game actually) but I certainly believe that the HotS team wants the best for their game. They play their game a ton and don’t make changes just for fun.
With the XP globes they wanted to help to educate the playerbase in the first place, as the majority of all people just play QM and has no clue how important XP actually is. On top of that they wanted to shake up the meta and make the solo laner more active (which they did actually).
With the tower changes they want to make pushing less “easy” and add defensive options instead of just giving up your fort instantly whenever enemies are pushing and/ or you are outnumbered or they have an objective or they have a talent advantage (+ many other possible examples).
Changing the aggro of structures like this was something that was requested by Cloud 9 players back in 2016 by the way. The top esports team (I think it was Dunktrain who said it) said back then that pushing feels to easy and is not being punished at all - now that their design philosphies have changed over the years they seem to agree on that statement.

And yet a lot of changes and nerfs are actually catering to bad players, just like the visual exp globes (just as you write later). Not talking about countless nerfs to some heroes because they are average in ranked or higher ranks, but peopel refuse to counter them or learn how to play against them on lower ranks or UD.

Well, there is a huge difference to listen to feedback and when you screw up epicaly and people have complains over complains over complains so instead of admitting you are wrong, you rather “listen” to feedback and change the way the game works so at least it works somehow.

Yeah they listened. After screwing up the base game mechanics in such way that all ranged heroes were shooting themselves in their foot when they were using their ranged AoE abilities. I would really be surprised if they didnt listened at that time.

Ok, but then you need to agree that if you think it is a good change it is your bias.
I know a lot of people who hate it. Among all the people who I know who play hots, only like 5% think it is a good change. That doesn’t represent the hots population though.

Putting the talent on lvl 1 from 4 and removing the feature for it to pierce all enemies, while giving it pierce 1 is hardly seen as a buff, nor as a “listening” to feedback to bring that build back.

She was never made as a full healer and never should been gutted as a damage, which she was.
Well her original damage is down from 150 to like 80. Nor trueshot, nor darnassian won’t bring her back.
But hey, her trait spreading talent finally reduces Q CD, like it should. It took just several years to implement it.

So how about to make a tutorial? Like it was before?
In-game page where you can find info on heroes, how exp work, etc?
Nah, better fundamentally change the whole mechanics.

Point is, bad players remain bad because they refuse the learn.
It doesnt matter how many changes you do for them. They won’t learn.

It forced new startegies. Didn’t bring them. New map can bring new strategies. New hero, talent changes, etc can bring new strategies.

Exp change was forced, not requested, not wanted, just simply forced.

Well, some changes truly seem like they are making it without prior testing or thinking. Not all, but some do.

Yes, they could do a dozen of other things how to change that. Do you think that now, after the exp change, casuals in QM learned to soak exp?
Surprise surprise, they didn’t. Because they don’t want to learn.

Aggro of the structures was just change to be the same in dota and league. I left dota and league ages ago for hots, because it was different. If I want to have a game that is similar to those two, I can play those two. Changing aggro did made the games longer, not much, but did.
I just don’t agree when they change the game as it was. No idea why are they changing the design philosophies, but that doesn’t mean I will blindly agree to everything they do.
Just like removing specialists, armor or remaking heroes from their niche roles. Most of these changes are explained as “new players don’t understand…”.
So their design philosophy is just catering to casuals at this point.

And the tower changes, followed by the tower changes strongly suggest that as well.

I even saw a genji who went in behind fort and killed aba and dash out again without dieing.

They’d need to get rid of the new aggro mechanic to re-add the slow. It’s such a strong effect that if they brought it back but didn’t remove the aggro effect, it would basically make pushing under forts completely suicidal unless they reduced their damage so far the Forts would be effectively defenseless on their own.

That’s another part of the reason I hate the new aggro function. It made removing the slow that actually made Forts and Keeps threatening mandatory.

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Under the old tower mechanics you can bull rush under the tower and do whatever you want as long as you had minions

I like long games too so no harm in slowing the games, which this didn’t do in a significant way. If there was an extra layer of turrets that’d increase the time, as well as more tower health

Yes, against enemy heroes.
Why assume that should carry over just as effectively to towers though?
They usually can tank some tower shots, as long as there aren’t a substantial number of enemy heroes nearby, and if there are their team should be pushing them back, since the tank is already soaking tower shots they don’t have fear of drawing its aggro.

Yes, they should be able to take an undefended tower.
And the negative armor doesn’t do a thing to change that, since the armor is only an issue if enemy heroes are nearby.
Should they be able to take a lightly defended tower?
I think that depends. 5v2, sure, but not necessarily with zero risk.
And it’s kind of both, heroes defend structures, structures help heroes defend the position.
But there’s another part of the equation that shouldn’t be ignored, minions.
Minions are kind of pointless if it doesn’t matter if your lane is pushed out or not.

Another stance different from both of your stances is following LoL philosophy. Early game towers defend you. Late game, you defend towers.