Voting Poll: Next Starcraft Hero

I don’t understand. Are you voting for Tosh or a Dark Archon?

By the way, there’s actually a 7 in 1 Dark Archon (Ulrezaj).

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I am voting for both , I know Ulrezaj is a 7 in 1 but I want a character played by 2 like chogall

Okay, but you can only vote once

Ok , hard choice … Gabriel Tosh , but take care his name is wrote twice in your list :smile:

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I don’t particularly want Ulrezaj, but if he did come I would make him party character.

He’s playable on his own, but he’s unique in that any members of your party can choose to also play Ulrezaj to make a bigger, stronger Ulrezaj. The first player to choose him has movement control, but all players share his ability bar (including shared cooldowns).

Each player has their own set of talents, and abilities only benefit from a talent if the player that chose the talent is the one who fires it. Abilities granted by talent choices are not shared. No one else can use that ability unless they choose the talent, and you won’t share a cooldown.

Bah, you already counted the first vote. Zerglings it is, although there are a few actual heroic units from the main games that could go here. Not specifically changing my vote but suggesting renaming the Zergling option to Meserole the Marauder

i vote for gabriel tosh (gabriel is my last name)

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A question for starcraft fans, please. I didn’t play Starcraft games, and would like to know if Gabriel Tosh would be different from Nova in their habilities and movements.

Yes. There are a number of ways tosh could be made.

Obviously they won’t do a 1:1 port of him, but here are his abilities from the campaign:

Spectre abilities:

It seems to me tosh could be something of a tank or perhaps a psionically oriented aggressive/unstable ranged assassin. Honestly, Nova doesn’t have much in the way of Ghost fantasy/psionic-ness, so there’s a lot that could be done. It really depends on what aspect of the general idea they want to play up.


Mind Blast as an AoE stun would be a bit too much. I’m thinking something more like a “Mind Bomb” which can be detonated by Tosh to stun the target and damage nearby enemies within a certain period of time.

I’d love to see Psionic Lash and Consumption as his ults, and I think a Voodoo Doll active ability talent that would allow him to stun a target enemy hero from anywhere on the map, so long as he’s killed them already, would be awesome.


Thanks dude! He would be a great character!

Considering that Spectres are notoriously mentally unstable as well as powerful, and Tosh is even more so than usual, I think I have an idea that would fit really well with him.

Volatile Psyche:

  • 30 second cooldown, recharges 100% faster while Tosh is stunned, rooted, or silenced.
  • Being stunned, rooted, or silenced causes Tosh to become Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds and stun all enemies within 4 range for 1.5 seconds.
  • Can be toggled on and off.
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Nova is effectively a sniper with a cloak. Her psionic abilities don’t really do anything in practice.

Tosh (and most spectres) rely more heavily on their psionic powers, with abilities like Consumption and psionic lash that attack their target’s mind directly.


The shared cooldowns is unworkable, if fully overlapping. Perhaps have “secondary” players get a partially different Talent tree based around supporting functions, one basic ability to themselves, one shared basic ability (charge-based with independent uses cooldown?), then a third basic ability defined by 1st-level Talent?

Maybe the Mind Control effect would be the exclusive Basic ability for secondary players, while the primary player would have it as a Bribe, competing with buffing mercs and some strong waveclear bonus? This makes it so that three players in Ulrezaj gives instant Siege Camp clears immediately, while freeing the Talent for the primary player to buff them, thus making up for macro losses from bodysoak difficulties by ramming a three-person CC powerhouse with boosted mercs down the third wave.

Then the shared ability, charge-based as it is, needs to be something that wants bursting and target coordination, but isn’t entirely crippled on its own. Perhaps a stack-based version of Malestrom that builds up with each overlapping use. The first is a Blind, the second is a Silence, the third is a Root/Stun, with the duration being longer than the use cooldown so a lone Ulrezaj can chain them together. Multiple players split the effects, so that they have to coordinate to get a full disable, but conversely skip the stacking, so you can immediately completely disable, or Silence to start the fight. Or peel with a Root.

The thought is to have a three-person Ulrezaj meet a breakpoint where they’re able to walk up to almost any situation and immediately warp the way it goes, with teamfights immediately having whatever’s most troubling taken away for a moment, waves being abruptly switched around, merc camps being immediately sent off and structures facing huge amounts of siege damage. You can deal with it, but have to outlast Ulrezaj instead of just bursting them down. They’ll turn off your burst, whatever it is, if they know what they’re doing.

Of course, killing this Ulrezaj case means a vast swing in the game’s outcome, because it immediately takes three enemy Heroes out of the situation and gives you the XP for three Hero kills. If your team has versatile sustained damage and you know how to avoid dying, you can get a ton of value. So there’s several layers of risk to stacking Ulrezaj, not in the least being that you’re relying on winning off massively exaggerating one toolkit instead of getting three different toolkits in its place.

Vote: Selendis

Great information! I didn’t know that. Thanks

Karax <3

There are so many abilities from Cooperative mode.

In campaign he could reanimate and reclame unactive protoss mechanisms. I really miss worm-like reavers, colosusses etc.

Even more protoss hi-tec after Probius, Fenix, Artanis <3


Karax. That is all. =)


I really hope Karax is the next Protoss Hero. If not him; Vorazun.


Selendis for sure. Yay.