Voting Poll: Next Starcraft Hero

Seeing as how my Diablo poll correctly picked the latest 2 diablo heroes (Mephisto and Imperius), I thought it would be fun to see where everyone stands with Starcraft. Blizzard, please pay attention and listen to the fans.

The rules are simple:

  • You can only pick one hero
  • You can’t re-post to keep voting
  • If you don’t see your hero, just vote it anyways and I’ll add it to the list

I’ll check back every day and update the results. And I’ll be voting for Horace Warfield of course.

Gabriel Tosh: 5
Karax: 5
Selendis: 4
group of zerglings: 4
Overmind: 2
Maar (hybrid): 2
Arcturus Mengsk: 1
Horace Warfield: 1
Rohana: 1
Talis: 1
Ultralisk: 1
Ma’lash: 1
Reaper: 1
Morphling: 1
Yagdra/Glevig: 1
Izsha: 0
Daggoth/Zasz (cerebrate): 0
Thakras the Defiler: 0
Niadra: 0
Overlord: 0
Brakk: 0
Zurvan: 0
Kraith/Dakrun: 0
Slivan/Murvar: 0
Vorazun: 0
Razsagal: 0
Ji’Nara: 0
Ulrezaj (7 in 1 dark archon): 0
Talandar: 0
Mojo: 0
Aldaris: 0
Clolarion: 0
Mohandar: 0
Rory Swann: 0
Matt Horner: 0
Mira Han: 0
Valerian Mengsk: 0
Dr. Ariel Hanson: 0
Magellan (science vessel): 0
Egon Stetmann: 0
Narud/Duran: 0
Gerard DuGalle: 0
Edmond Duke: 0


Vote for Maar.
Second for Overmind

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While there a quite a few characters I still want from the universe, and I’d be happy with plenty of them, I think we are long overdue for a hybrid, and I want another Starcraft main tank.

Hybrid of Castanar gets my vote.

My vote goes to the true emperor of the dominion, Arcturus Mengsk.


These :slight_smile:

P.S. = you’d better create a strawpoll though : P

Give me a group of zerglings as a hero pls


Mine is for Karax!!

Talandar is my optional vote, though after searching he’s Fenix???

Question, why is Fenix in Hots is different compared to this Talandar?? I don’t get it, you can tell I’m quite confused, can someone explain :sweat_smile:

Essentially, talandar = robot copy of the original(currently in game) fenix. The original fenix lived and died during the events of SC1 + broodwar. Talandar first appeared as a character in sc2: lotv

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My vote from this list is Rohana. However, I really hope the next hero is a Hydralisk. An Ultralisk or Defiler would also be cool. Basically, I want some generic Zerg units.

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Hmm… Can I put you down for Maar?

Maar and the Hybrid of Castanar are pretty different, with one being a caster and the other being a melee tank. If you don’t want me to go for the Hybrid of Castanar, I suppose I’ll toss my lot in with the Overmind. He could bring some interesting gameplay.

Edit: Changed my mind… Yagdra sounds like a SUPER fun hero…


Sooo… original protoss Fenix died, turned into a robot spider (sorry :sweat_smile:) then someone made another copy of him, that became Talandar?! Right?!! If it is… Yehey!!!

But why Talandar came to be? Why he was created if Fenix already existed?

Before Fenix became a Dragoon (or maybe a little after? I’m not sure on the timeline for that), he had a copy of his memories uploaded to a database. That database was then used to create the Purifiers, a bunch of robotic duplicates of the Protoss’ greatest warriors across history. The Purifier program was shutdown due to moral concerns, but Artanis reactivated it to combat Amon during Legacy of the Void.

For the sake of clarification, Dragoons (what Fenix is) and Immortals are basically life support. After being mortally wounded or disabled beyond repair, Protoss warriors can elect to have their bodies placed inside of war engines to continue fighting. On the flipside, Purifiers are 100% robotic copies with implanted memories, and were originally considered second-class citizens because of that.

Talandar came about because the Purifiers aren’t a perfect copy of their original. It’s around 97% accuracy, but the small deviations eventually lead them into being their own person. “Fenix” slowly learned about the person he was based on throughout the campaign and eventually realised that he just wasn’t the real deal. He took a new name so he could go on to make his own legacy.


Ahhh so thats how it is :thinking::exploding_head:… Thank you for explaining in perfect clarity!!

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I want Talis. Partially because we don’t have any female protoss, partially because I want to know how they adapt the phantom to HotS.

Ma’lash. I want to see an Ascendant hero.

I have a hero concept for Talis if you’re interested.

My Vote is for Karax.

My Prediction is for Izsha.

My vote is For Gabriel tosh.

Would love a new Stealth hero.


Don’t play SC, but Tosh.