Voice chat anyone?

why is it that they updated it with voice chat but no one uses it :frowning:

Because people suck, I don’t care about what they have to say, and you don’t get to hear what I sound like.


Wrong, it’s used, but mostly when people are in 1 party.


it’s dangerous to use VC with randoms only use it when you’re with friend’s in party other than that it’s risky last time some random was in VC he was making some weird noises dude it was so disgusting never joining VC with randoms again :neutral_face:


Because people think it will empower toxicity.

The irony is past that point I haven’t had a single toxic encounter with voice chat.

Because no one wants to use voice chat except a very few.


EU case it’s a nationality thing.

The hon Hon’s and bueno is pretty hard to understand if you only grasp English at best.

Except this literally applies to anywhere, spanish? french canadians? The entirety of south america?

I understand the massive lang barrier that exists in Europe but let’s be real, it’s in every region.

That’s still not the main reason, majority of the community here are too afraid of scenarios they imagined in their heads without giving the thing a shot and then build around it as a reason to not join or try the thing.

I’ve been auto joining the VC chat in every game since its inclusion, those who used it were used for competitive shot calling, only one was rude out of everyone else.

Experiences can differ though cuz this anecdotal at best, it is still though pretty stupid how tiny marginal use it because everyone has the mindset of “empower toxicity” instead of “improving the game”, by logic any cons exists in every system is toxic so we should remove it therefore you have none just an empty white space of nothingness, what a life to live.

Because there is no perfect system no matter how much you put thought into it.

Seriously people were advocating to uninstall the game back on the old forum if that was added when it should have been a baseline addition since day one.

No idea.
I auto join it myself.

Rare times someone else is on it, it gets used’

why would i listen some fat dude breathing into mic for 20 min.

People did use it at first. Unfortunately, the fanbase has degraded. Most do not want to learn and do not want to work as a team. It makes the game mostly random now. It is sad because in OverWatch things are much different. Every single game that is competitive has everyone in voice. Here, even in ranked, no one is.

in my games 99% of times no one ever uses VC when i’m solo it’s just a rare thing where i manage to find someone in VC but yeah i get what you mean cause when i used to play OW people use VC even in QuickPlay some times unlike in hots

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Because I still haven’t figured out how

I use voice chat all time I play with friends, even if they don’t speak (but they can hear my calls).

I tried to use voice chat with randoms pretty long to understand they don’t want to use it, even if it can increase our chances to win.

Hm, was under the impression it’s more English due it being either US east or west.

Pardon, still more and quicker noticeable in EU though from my brief experience

No need to pardon at all. :+1:

I’m just being realistic :stuck_out_tongue:, Asia has many different languages, America has different servers but it doesn’t stop language barriers from well occurring especially considering how many different cultures are there.

As an EU player people seems to frequently write in English, but the most common non english that gets written here is slavic.

Because to date I seem the only human being who understands and even prefers push to talk.

Meanwhile I got stuck in a voice chat once listening to some guy’s chickens. I just… am a person of his quiet bubbles to begin. I did not, I deeply assure you, play video games to socialize on quite that level. I rather prefer the barrier of quiet.

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Ive had 3 Toxic encounters over vc and stopped. Literally 3 screaming bois. Its ridiculous i would have thought vc would humanize allies more but nah.

Encounters in voice chat were either semi-friendly or creepy when I played with Hoku and a few others.

Finding the rare person in voice though does allow you to add a friend that actually wants to communicate in a team based game!

Cause I’m already tired of the text chat toxicity. Don’t want to add even more toxicity to my brain. Also some people who use voice chat are so loud and obnoxious that my ears actually hurt >:/