She cant deal damage, she can’t crowd control effectively outside of an easily countered silence, and she completely relies on her opponents playing poorly to accomplish anything. ive tried asking for buffs, offering constructive advice, and more, but im so sick of her being trapped in this state with no word from the developers. She has an abysmal winrate and always has. She’s got no real value. If I wanted a tracer/genji counter i would pick taunt varian. If i wanted a burst assassin i would pick zeratul. She just has nothing other heroes don’t do better, she is the embodiment of mediocrity. She needs changes desperately and I’ve been saying this for a dizzyingly long time. Please listen. Valeera needs help. It’s time to address her and make her viable.
DrLogan may have a different view…
I’ve seen good/great Valeeras…
They are completely agonizing to play against. It hurts, very badly.
Really good Valeeras are rare but when they come out of hiding everyone on the enemy team hates life. I don’t see any way to buff her without drastically changing her playstyle. I don’t particularly like the way she plays but not every hero needs to appeal to every person.
Because of her cc and the follow up damages from wqe combo, if she is too good, Valeera can be the most annoying thing to play against.
She was nerf after her stealth rework, probably more because of the complains, than her wr.
HailFail once again with some of the worst takes in this entire forum.
I wonder what’s his rank or winrates.
56% winrate with valeera
Untrue since she does not have the lowest winrate.
Yet she is the “worst hero in the game”
The math isn’t adding up for me here.
I’ve had a frightening one that pretty much did the team 1v5 … we didn’t know what to do lol!
She has few issues going 1v1 from what I have seen. But then I think she should be with the team or roaming looking for kills on less than full health heroes.
I think she plays well alongside Dehaka who can stun and pull them back from towers giving her long enough to do the magic even on tanks safly. Then if anyone tries to break her Dehaka can tank and smack them with Isolation. You can often end up with 2 kills instead lol! Any long stun is good I guess but since I play Dehaka I see the added benefit of drag.
I think she is strong but you ‘can’ counter her easily with some heroes. Just by revealing her, stunning her and such. Isolation is good but dam she is hard to hit lol! I don’t play her but I ‘think’ if you break her stealth then she has lost half her combo and thus damage.
Getting oneshot by valeera withotu any counterplay doesnt sound like “can’t deal damage” to me
She’s a niche hero and performs perfectly fine in her niche, its a player problem. People pick her in the wrong situations just like they pick Tassadar when there’s literally nothing on the team for him to enable
Silence Val makes me want to vomit blood as a projectile. Idk about you, but playing Tracer, or a lot of supports into her is suffering.
Coudn’t say it better.
Valeera is one of those heroes, that you can’t pick in every situation, in every draft (like Tassadar, Illidan, Nova, Abathur and so on). She needs teammates that compensate her lack of waveclear, and enemies that lack easy reveal abilities (cheep AoE, vision abilities) - and therefore can only be picked in the 4th or 5th slot of the draft.
I have a 66%+ winrate (6+ KDA) with my Valeera and am quite happy with her playstile and place in a team; for me, she is more like a ‘roaming bruiser’ than an assassin. I don’t try to kill enemies by myself (usally doesn’t work that well, if it’s not a Li-Ming or Valla - hp wise), but I help out teammates in their lanes with ganks. In objective teamfights I usally play more like a warrior too - if my tank finds a good opening, I follow up with the fitting cc (stun / blind or silence) … otherwise I wait around the backline, keep watch for enemie flanks and protect the squishies. Yes, I don’t end up with the highest damage numbers, but that’s not my intention when picking Valeera in a draft - her cc and ‘tankiness’ is. And before you now tell me, that’s not how she should be played - again; it works out for me.
Two points bother me non the less; that I can pick her in only very few games, because of the following two reasons.
- I think her niche could be a little bit bigger; if she had an additional ability to avoid beeing knocked out of stealth so easily by AoE for some small window of time or if you still could use her stealth-abilities (maybe without teleport) a short time after beeing knocked out of stealth. That way she could be of more use on teamfight heavy or smaller maps and against a bigger variation of enemy heroes.
- Often people generally hate Valeera. Yes, she can be hard to play against (since you need to keep watch and stop overextending), and yes, there are a lot of bad Valeeras (ppl picking her in the 1st slot, ppl that only try to get solokills the whole game long) - but several times now, I prepicked her for one of the two last slots and she gets banned by teammates and against a squishie composition with basically no reveal. That’s just sad.
I think the only thing I’ve seen suggested by people for her that I’ve ever “liked” (and you bring it up again here) is a brief window to use stealth moves once you’ve been knocked out. I mean sub rogues in WoW have a talent for this so its not like its some concept that’s never been heard of for a rogue.
Make it a level 1 talent, would most likely lose something for it but idk what thing is the most useless overall at 1, I personally like my crippling poison most.
The other thing, that’s just normal player reaction to anything that isn’t a meta pick when they don’t understand that the situation is in the niche picks favor.
She’s pretty terrible I’m just really good at her
My winrate with her is the same as yours, and the only thing I feel that she needs is a way to be more threatening late game. I feel like she’s generally fine.
Are you sure you aren’t just terrible and wandering off on your own and making yourself an easy gank target
Anything below 65-70% is simply unacceptable /s