I thought stealth heroes were supposed to be made competitive by the stealth changes?

There is nothing further to say on Valeera as you already made a thread on her with regard to her viability, she is fairly competitive in her own niche (and her winrates reflect this higher up):

You also have other topics in that vein and again you are met with disagreement there with regard to Valeera. I don’t see the point in you trying to push your agenda further when this is beating a dead horse.

And it is also genuinely dishonest to generalize stealth heroes as not being competitive since the change when in fact you are only looking at two heroes (one of which is competitive) , since obviously Samuro and Zeratul don’t fit your narrative. Samuro had among the highest winrate for the longest time, until the nerfs and more importantly the loss of half his popularity (from 6-7% down to 3%) although his crit build still works fine. Whereas Zeratul still continues to see strong success.