What are your thoughts about valeera right now? Does she need nerfs or any other balance changes? Do you have any suggestions about her that might help the developers?
Welcome back!
I was wondering when this will pop up again!
I still think her talent selection is pretty meh. Ambush builds completely negate her main draw points of cheap shot and garrote, but are the most reliable way for me to secure kills. She’s a mishmash of all rogue specs, therefore not good at any of them. Easily removed from fights for 8+ seconds if she’s knocked out of stealth, as walking in to sinister strike is a death sentence.
I’ve said for awhile I think she needs a complete redesign. Ideally they’d go full assassination rogue and leave the teleporting shenanigans for someone like lilian voss (the obvious choice for a sub rogue) and give blade flurry to a notable pirate so Valeera’s AoE can be poison bomb. Successful melee assassins, like Maiev, work so well because of the ample supply of utility and control over the battlefield given to them. Valeera could easily become that, instead of a one trick silence pony.
Except she also blinds and stuns. One trick pony could not be farther from the truth. She has an ability or talent for every situation.
Hail on others’ threads:
Also Hail: here’s my 500th Valeera thread!
Well, you’re not wrong.
She’s pretty darn fun, I went on an 11 win streak with her.
She’s only really good midgame. 7 is a power spike, as is 16. After/before that, she cant really fufill any roles that aren’t fufillee better by zeratul or samuro.
Way too much of her kit was effected by the stealth change, and she’s uneccssarily weak outside of it. I’d say she needs a full rework, likely giving the ambush talents baseline and her auto-attacks versatility.
There’s a difference between making a post about a topic not being currently discussed and adding to the pool of like 10 other threads discussing the exact same thing currently on the front page
Her Level 13 talent tier is by far the most atrocious in terms of versatility.
- Forces you to use the upgraded opener despite the situations
- It locks out build diversity
- Garrote is currently regarded as her best opener, most players tend to use that opener for all situations. Cheap Shop fits it’s name really well: a cheap stun that doesn’t lockdown the victim long enough to confirm kills as opposed to using Garrote.
Redesign the tier so that each talent adds an upgrade that affects all her openers.
There’s also a difference about creating a thread of your own when you thought that the current ones on the topic are not similar well enough to your thoughts or too heavily crowded for ppl to bother to read yours and creating the 500th thread about the same topic hoping that the 500th time will have different comments than the previous 499.
Yeah her ears are too pointy and long. They need a nerf. Maybe add a few voice lines as well to add up some balance?
Yes; She needs to be nerfed back to the way she was before the recent™ buffs.
This isn’t a meme, I promise.
Good point. 13 has some big problems
I agree, she is tough to build around despite her many utility talents.
And when you build one way it kinda removes her options of ways to play, usually utilities does the opposite.
A shame since her skins are as cool as they are, rework the houseelf
Just to hit the basics:
Her stealth needs some serious changes.
First, Vanish needs to last 1 second after being revealed. This means that after taking damage and losing stealth, you’d get a 1 second grace period to cast your openers instead of being dead in the water immediately.
She also needs to be stealthy again. The loss of the mind games involved with playing as or against her was the main deal-breaker for me with her rework. I feel like a lot of her depth was lost when stealth was made so much more visible.
Additionally, the lack of stealthiness necessitates her having that teleport, which is incredibly frustrating to play against. I can see her so easily, but depending on who I’m playing, it may not matter, as heroes like KT can’t knock her out of stealth before she’s in teleport range due the slow travel speed of abilities like Gravity Lapse.
Cheap Shot needs to be a 1.25 second stun again.
The stun is way too short, and the blind is useless against most heroes but is almost busted against a select few. And even against those few, Garrote is often the superior opener, as Zul’jin’s basic attacks aren’t that threatening if you kill him before he can cast Taz’dingo.
Garrote’s silence duration should be reduced back to 2 or 2.25 seconds, and the poison’s duration should be reduced, though its damage should stay about the same.
She needs more talents.
This is a hero with 7 basic abilities including her trait. There is no way you can give her anything even remotely close to build diversity if you limit her to only 3 talents per level. This is a hero who absolutely needs 4+ talents at every level.
She is fine, outside of problematic QM games.
But you cannot balance around those.
I also find it extremely irritating that often I see her and cast to knock out of stealth, but her teleport range is just a bit to long. And I end up getting hit even though I saw and responded to her. but I don’t think this should be touched currently. As When I play as Valeera it often feels like I have to be careful with the Range.
Based on hotslogs, her talent tree still needs some work, buffing weaker talents. But that data might not be accurate.
If they don’t change her, with how lopsided her talents feel, they should open up about their winrates, even if vaguely.
Either show they are competitive despite what hotslogs shows, or buff the numbers on underperforming ones.
Just to show what my ideal Valeera rework would look like, here’s my detailed concept on HeroesFire.
In hail’s defense i personally dgaf about qhira whine threads, whereas I do care about fresh valeera discussions and the dynamic of a post is certainly different and more active when not being necro’d
Here are my thoughts on val: I been sukin’ and missing q’s lately and dying trying to find a way to engage a deathball after a usually good earlygame but deathbally lategame. Also very little practice soooo that’s probably a lot of why
In other words i have little to contribute to the thread except noting my feelings of jealousy and resentment when I see good valeeras knowing she’s a good hero if youre a good player and i want to believe i am but u know
That I’m tired of seeing you post about her.
Yea this is one of the main issues with Valeera. She has some of the highest burst and shutdown potential, but she’s rendered completely useless if Stitches sneezes on her.