Unplayable game on EU servers

It seems suspicious to me that just when a new wow expansion was released we ran out of servers in the EU… and we’ve already had the incident for more than 5 hours :unamused:


Blizzard still havent responded, I dont think they know :smiley:

same issue here since mornin

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Confirm I got the same issue in EU.

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same problem here, please fix

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same issue here eeeeee

I started a ticket with em, and they told me that it was fixed. ANd this was over an hour ago… Still not working.

ree :3 I trust it will be fixed soon <3

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How do you start a tickt?

8 hours, and still waiting…

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Under your profile u can start a ticket.

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Same Problem and i can’t find where to start a new ticket

Same here can;t play it. Eu server still waiting

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In the meanwhile play on American server

Still very much getting the same error hours later, Blizzard is in no rush it seems.

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It’s been hours Blizzard, C’mon. We really like to play. In my case with my friends.


Same here. Also started a ticket, no reply yet. Would be nice to hear whats actually going on…

Didn’t think anything can bring me back to these forums, but here we are. Despite everything else, my love for this game still remains, and the appreciation each time a new patch drops, is what still tethers me to Blizzard. Hope this is an indicator for a new patch, which caused the public server version to be increased by mistake instead of internal one.
Knocking on wood, fingers crucified, no jinx, since I just can’t take it if it’s indicator of something very grim.
Hope it gets fixed soon though, need my dose of HOTS.


Same here and i’m too old to use a blizzard forum. last time i was 19 guys :open_mouth:

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Oh! The future is here.