Uninstalling due to leaver system

If you can’t play the game don’t queue for a game seems pretty simple.

I don’t understand… doesn’t Hots have a forced tab-back system? If I’m tabbed out or playing another game and it’s my turn to pick or ban, it forces heroes to pop back up again, minimizing whatever I was just doing.

I hadn’t played Quick Match in ages, but I had sharpened up on a couple heroes so I gave it another go, and upon my revisit to it I found that you can now have two of the same character on both teams. I really hate this, especially when it happens in HotS’s worst mode: Brawl. I suspect the reason for this is because there was such a substantial drop in players, and there was so much fuss about QM queue times, this was a desperate move by Blizzard in order to make queue times shorter.

Another thing, and this is the last nail in the coffin for me: CC. What the hell is up with the CC? Players have been complaining for years about CC in World of Warcraft and yet it’s only gotten worse over the years. I never remember so much damn CC in HotS. Now, I literally lose control of my character for 5 seconds. It often takes the enemy team less time than that to wipe me out. This whole game needs a revamp / overhaul / facelift / makeover.

w8 what’s he saying? He alt tabbed (ergo, he griffed) during 2 QM matches and he’s mad that he can’t rank? There is no character selection in QM mode so that’s why I figure it must be ranked that he’s talking about.
What kind of logic is this. Of course you should be banned if you griff. I’m confused by this post.

Is this really how this is supposed to work? I’m perfectly capable of doing a simple draft sequence while doing other stuff at the same time. I’ve too been kicked out several times and received penalty.

If you got afk penalty in draft, you weren’t capable of drafting while doing other stuff. It has a timer for each pick and ban, you didn’t follow those timers.

Or you prepicked without locking, and your hero got banned/picked by someone else while you weren’t watching.

Sigh cant even edit my earlier comment. I totally agree with penalizing when the timer have lapsed out, for these instances I was referring too there were time left, 20 secs perhaps? 21321

Lobby can’t kick you out if there’s time left, if that happens then your pc or connection is acting up.

The lobby can disband though if someone else than you quit the client, but you wouldn’t get a penalty for that.

I beg to disagree; I think it triggers so often that I could actually record (if time/effort). I have a quite new computer and stable fibre internet connection with no issues in other games, so doubting it’s related to that.

Never had a dc in draft in 4 years. I also usually play in 5 party and nobody else dc’s in draft either.

If it keeps happening only to you and nobody else in the lobby, then it can’t be a Blizzard problem.

Why do you assume it happens to no one else, if it does not happen to you? Not sure if its different in a 5 man party