Uninstalling due to leaver system

Awesome, dont come back, we dont need scum like you in this game,useless serial leaver


And that is what OP dont want. He just want to afk though leaver games

He even said he dont have time to get rid of leaver games so maybe Hots is not for him then. Good he is gone if he dont even have time to play the game anyway.


Its not even play anymore. its win them and being qm is nothing more than a slot machine. Its not worth the time

Technically he wasn’t away from the keyboard… :upside_down_face:

No but alt tapping out of a game while drafting is as much the same.


I would at least understand if he did that after picking a hero.

Also while we’re on the topic, the client automatically switches you to Draft when it starts. Then if you alt tab, it switches you to the client again when the match itself starts.

So it’s not like he had no chances to pick a hero or get to play without penalty.

He just found youtube more fun than the game, that’s all. If he feels like uninstalling over this, the game was never for him in the first place.


Actually when I switch windows, I don’t get automatically switched into the game. I see the icon on the dock bounce, but I have to click the hots icon to go into game

Sure they will. I’ve found people who do this, go AFK, feed on purpose when anyone calls them out, will then turn around and say that person is the “toxic” one.

Exactly how the OP blames everyone and everything for his AFK, but not himself.


what about these Leaver? I didn’t know it. that secret will got find their Blizzard Battle server!

I’ve never heard of the alt tab penalty in ranked draft. So if you leave the screen, that is to select another window as main focus, it disconnects you from the draft?

Arguably, when I drafted, I never left the screen. It never felt there was enough time to axe questions, coordinate, and strategize. Maybe high knowledge players feel they can afford not focusing on the draft since they know so much, but every match is different.

You need to be in the game.

Wow the Blizzard White Knights are out in full force.

Ah yes, because the guy who chose to watch YouTube videos during draft instead of at least hovering a hero is OBVIOUSLY in the right here…



Go play your Lol game white knight.

It’s funny that you’re quitting because you’re not allowed to ruin games for other people. I wonder how many people quit because they got leavers like you in their match?


I must have missed the OP saying that he programmed the AI for the game.

Then, yes. That guy should be shown the door, tarred and feathered on the way out.

How is it the OP’s fault that the “game is ruined” when someone leaves? Sounds like it’s a problem with the game. A game that Blizzard has 100% control over.

You forum warriors are great though. Keep it up.

AHAHAHH dont tell me you any better lol.

Found your problem right here. Hero selection occurs before you ready up in QM. I suspect you were talking about Brawl where you actually have a choice of 3 heroes to select. Regardless, when you hit ready, you need to actually be ready. You told the game you were ready. It treats you like you’re ready. If you’re alt-tabbed, you’re not ready. That’s your fault, not Blizzard’s.

As for the penalty, it requires only a single win to clear and that’s for the time you wasted of 9 other people who had to play a game with a bot because you were not ready when you said you were.

Actions have consequences. Bad actions have penalties and they should because that’s how they discourage you from continuing to engage in bad behavior.

Brawl autoselects a hero for you from the 3 options even if you refuse to pick anything, so this must have happened either in Unranked or Storm League.

Yes. I know. It’s completely irrelevant to this discussion. It doesn’t justify the alt-tabbing when you said you’re ready. It doesn’t justify refusing to play through the game with whatever hero was picked if you fail to select one. It doesn’t matter which mode. He signed up for a game, then refused to participate in it and 9 other players had a worse experience for it. So, he gets the leaver queue.

The leaver queue is a fair penalty for wasting 9 other people’s time.

I’m actually open to debating what those penalties should be, but there needs to be a penalty. He’s complaining that he had consequences applied when he behaved badly and trying to play the victim. He isn’t a victim.

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I see that find about these ranked? I know it. recently that saw added Stukov after Hanzo & Greymane today I added Leoric & Chromie.