Uninstall untill Qhira is Fixed

I know blizzard wants to make money off the launch. But its not worth disrupting the entire game balance and good faith of your community for a quick dollar.

A hero should take time to master, learn and grow skill with. She should not be please buy this hero to win the next few games.

After the same treatment 3-4 times over your just getting a reputation of doing this on purpose now. My wife looked over at my screen and watch Qhira melting tanks, she asked me how far is her range what is she shooting? I told her thats a melee weapon, she laughed saying that range and that damage how is that melee hero.


What? Of all the complaints, Qhira “shooting from range” is a brand new one. She’s got one fairly short skillsot, one skillshot that has a long cooldown that you would not mistake for “shooting” when it hits, and a gap closer. Most of her dirty work is melee.

Also, the idea that new heroes are OP to rake in money is a complete lie. HotS doesn’t make its money on heroes. If it did, it wouldn’t be releasing only four this year. The game is too generous with gold to actually expect a sizable number of people to use real money. HotS makes its money on skins, which have only increased in frequency.

Whether heroes are purposefully made OP is up for debate (there are many, many counterexamples). The evidence stands that perfectly balancing heroes on release is really hard. I think Blizzard does tend to shoot high and whittle down, but that’s only to gather data to analyze what needs to be nerfed. Underpowered characters being buffed have traditionally been far more problematic (Yrel, The Butcher, Kel’Thuzad).


are you serious? uninstalling just cause of this new hero? ._.

If you expected this, why are you crying?

Good thing Sonya, Alarak, Xul, Kerrigan, Thrall, and Maiev exists to ground you in reality.

Since we are sharing: I woke up and got out of bed this morning.


Can you give examples? I haven’t noticed much meta changes for Quira. If your team doesn’t draft a counter, then yeah, she’ll do whatever she wants. Just like any hero.

Qhira is an example of how to do a melee assassin that doesn’t end up useless.

Out of 10 melee asssassins that we had. Only four were used. Alarak, Samuro, Zeratul and Maiev. Out of those four, two were just used as combo enablers, and Samuro is used for macro. That leaves Alarak, and he isn’t exactly picked for his efficiency at melee range. He’s mostly disruption. Kerrigan used to show up in rare cases as part of a dive comp. But they found better ways. Plus Tyrande fills the same function.

Do you really want one more melee that no one wants to touch?


The hero is fine
can we just move on already.


I’m not exactly a fan of how much damage she’s capable of dishing out to anyone without a self heal either on par with or stronger than the one she has. Her Bleeds make Nazeebo’s poison with his level 20 quest fully stacked feel like a joke, and he requires all game to stack his trait and level 20 before the damage even becomes relevant. Her level 1 W quest compounds the issue, because so much of her damage is front loaded into her bleed mechanic its almost laughably easy to reduce someone to 50% health with just a single AA and a few stacks of bleed.

I also feel like her her E making her untargetable and immune to nearly all damage except a DoT already applied beforehand is a bit much, but at the very least that can be countered by cleanse and/or just dodging the skillshot.

But either her base bleed damage needs to be adjusted down, or Fatal Wounds needs to get rid of the 50% more damage under 50% health malarkey.

I suppose the idea of claiming to uninstall the game is supposed to be some ‘zomg we’re losing players’ sort of thing, but if its just on the condintion of "until ‘x’ is “fixed”, then you’re just going to be wasting time later to reinstall.

So either:
a) person that otherwise looks to be a pointless alt-account not invested in the game (spending money) is leaving,
b) they’re lying, about leaving/unistalling, and just want attention or whatev
c) they lack the awareness to realize how much of their own time they waste on these uninstall/reinstall fits

could post a few more, but basic gist pretty much breaks down that these sort of declarations do more to reflect poorly on the people that make them, than it stands as a call to reason for anyone to act to “fix” this [you] problem you’re having.


I’ve played around a hundred games since patch and the hero was not in a single game problematic to deal with or top stats of any kind. You are being ridiculous. It’s nowhere near horrible as some hero releases were.

Do you have any replays of this? I have played tanks and bruisers against her, and have yet to be melted. I am curious as to how she played into them, or if the tanks were just not very good.

After reading most of your posts it seems you’re pretty disappointed in the game.

Qhira needs a dot damage reduction that will make her les tanky and less of an issue

Such a hater (20 char)


are you ? must be to call others haters


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New borns speciaficly


LOL this is nothing u did not see Ganji in prime .Play unranked u can ban her ,but heroes that are new or rewoked are always op for reason so people will play it and get familiar with it ,and ez for dev to track what need to be balanced when is hero popular ,i playd a lot mobas all run like this . U can use it this for your advantage u already know she will be in next game just pick counter .

i can’t play vs Qhira cause i’m trash so imma uninstall till she’s nerfed i don’t wanna learn how to play the game i want easy mode :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Qhira: tops hero damage by double the next hero in every match

HotS forums: “sHe’S bALAnCED l2P”

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She has yet to top damage in any SL match I have played against her. Maybe you shouldn’t just stand there and let her hit all her skillshots?