Uninstall untill Qhira is Fixed

That’s going too far. But I would cease spending real life money on any of Blizz’s product until the new one is completely removed from the game.

Oh, no. Man, please, don’t do it! Do NOT uninstall the game until Qhira is fixed. Please, uninstall it forever.

I also can’t play vs enemy Qhira!
Even when playing as Qhira myself in a mirror match, enemy Qhira is too OP!
Enemy Qhira needs immediate nerfs, or I will quit!!

Oh and by the way, ally Qhira is always TOO weak!
Please buff ally Qhira!!! :sob:

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You’ve reached the maximum number of likes. Please wait 6 hours before trying again. the heck is wrong with this today picking on me :sob:

i already quit cause i refuse to learn how to beat Qhira so welcome to the club of weaklings who want everything nerfed to please them :sob:

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This is nothing new. Most people here are arrogant and condescending because they are on the internet and feel safe. Just look at their new immature trolling trend with babies crying. They use the frustration of others to make fun of them and to bolster their ego.

Imagine being a new player and when you come here to give your opinion, most people mock you, flame you and say you’re bad, learn to play, etc.

Not very appealing.

Hats off for thoses that actually help with arguments and ways to counter her.


I know blizzard wants to make money off the paid forum likes. But its not worth disrupting the entire forums and good faith of your community for a quick dollar.

Liking posts should take time to master, learn and be free. forums should not be: please buy this forum like to make the posters happy!

After the being limited 3-4 times over you are just getting a reputation of doing this on purpose now. My wife looked over at my screen and watch forum posters giving forum likes, she asked me how many likes can you even give? I told her thats only 25 a day for free, she laughed saying how is that a forum.

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LMAO you killed me with this one :joy:

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