Understanding the Laning Changes

From what I see in the complaints, there’s a predictable misunderstanding about what teams should be doing.

If you get the forts down first, you need to capitalize on that advantage because you aren’t getting any XP lead from knocking those forts down and running away.

I don’t find this result surprising, given how many teams I see at Level 20+ who are still afraid to approach towers or make a push when the opportunity is there. If you’re dawdling around, you’re throwing your advantage.


How do you suggest capitalizing on a fort destroyed?

Simply win the lane.

These changes are, ultimately, designed to make the lane a competitive place again instead of something you just rush through to soak. For players who think 5v5s happen too much or want for split-pushing, they now have an avenue to do that if they can outplay in the lanes. Take your catapults and push with them instead of roaming around and expecting them to magically do the thing.

If you don’t, you’re giving the defending team a big window to even the match, which is exactly why these complaints of “we were down all match but we didn’t lose” are coming up – the winning team is throwing their lead.

How did you reply again without needing to have someone posting?

Did he get banned? I thought deleting posts took 24 hrs lol.

I… don’t know. No one else posted, I just quoted the first reply to my identical reddit post since I figure a lot of people would have that question.

Weird, when I make a topic and I’m the last post on it, and I try to reply to someone else or attempt to bump it, forums will tell me I can’t do that.

Actually the strategy is not to destroy forts because it makes soaking lanes more difficult for you and slows down your XP gain and therefore being down multiple forts is an advantage. Basically you just AFK soak the lanes until 20 and then set up a push to win the game making the game an incredibly boring snooze fest.


FINALLY, no more snowballs and now i can watch streams when i soak in the bush or in complete invisibility!

Now we all have the time to read a book as well :slight_smile:

Snowballs happen if you lose the draft and they should happen then.

Edit: I think shared XP is nice for a team game but do we really need to share it with the enemy team?

The only advantage we can play on in the future is the numbers advantage so i guess pick comps that have alot of gank/kill pressure and play on that?

The talent advantage was a nice mechanic to play on, yesterday my team won a lvl 15 to lvl 17 fight, so 2 levels and a huge talent tier but we did it, made a comeback.

Will the future be no comebacks but just the slow death of your structures and stuff while youre on the same talent tier?

It kinda sounds boring.


Lol no. Nope. Niet. Nein. Nu.

The changes make the lane insignificant because if you push the lane, the catapults will deny you xp. Everyone will freeze lanes now, nobody will try to win, cause there is no reward in winning a lane.


It seems like they want teams to focus more on taking camps, and pushing with camps to get a snowball effect in terms of lane pressure, not xp gain. While these changes heavily hurt splitpushers, which are really a plague in this game to begin with, they make the role of offlaning and camp taking that much more important, which I’m happy with as I happen to be an offlane main who plays heroes with strong camp clear (Sonya, Malthael, Thrall).

I didn’t see it in that light. I tend to like to do everything I can as an offlaner, so having the game force me to freeze my lane will hurt my playstyle.

I mean i play Samuro, i can soak the enemy lane under their keep safely.

Will the safe laners with extreme mobility be the meta?

Also i watched Khroen playing with other GMs and there was still a 2-3 level lead in the game because they were stomping the enemy team in teamfights.

It will just be harder to get the level lead and catapults will be real annoying and gl8bals will be stronger as someone has to clear them, thats probably why they nerfed alot of globals last patch.

But if its 42-10 kills its still a stomp.

I really hope that isn’t the case. That’ll completely ruin my playstyle and the playstyle of a lot of other offlane mains.

As a Samuro player this just makes mine stronger.

I extend to the keep walls frequently as i can make a run for it like no other hero and have huge siege dmg.

It takes 2-3 heroes to gank a Samuro, and 2 of them have to find and kill my escape clone to do so and hope they can kill and chase me.

Sadly, these changes will affect a lot of play styles. They have been handing out nerfs to offlaners for some time now, to accommodate the changes…


Theres a clip of Zaelias game where his team was down all forts and keeps to no forts and keeps taken and 5-45 kills.

With that lead the enemy had lvl 21 when the losing team had lvl 20.

If you ask me, stomps still happen because losing a draft is still losing a draft and no amount of XP is gonna fix bad picks and bad play.

Sure now you cant call stomps snowballs, great, next we will give 10% spellpower to the team thats behind in structures so they can make a comeback :sweat_smile:

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here it is, seems stupid and broken, too much room for bad play and it all comes down to one single fight 25 minutes later, with a single level difference



Let the brawl begin.

I mean in the past it came to the last fight too but the early game gave the team that played better, a better chance to win the game, now they stand equal no matter what they do early game basically.

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Funny, because I just won a PTR game with Azmo at Level 10 by pushing lanes.

If you can win in the lane, you can push with that lane. Just don’t over-extend. I cannot believe the community is misreading these changes so badly.

Let me guess, nobody ganked you…?