Unable to get past authentication

I’ve reached out and asked all my friends and even went on the reddit HotS discord to ask, but to no avail. I’m reaching out here in hopes of a solution.

A group of my friends are playing and I wanted to join them, but every time I launch the game it would give me “Your Heroes of the Storm installation is damaged.” So I did the following:-

I scan repaired. I uninstalled/reinstalled the game. I uninstalled/reinstalled Battle net. I reset the settings to default, and that managed to get me into the authentication screen before it gave me the same error again.

So I went a step further.

I checked for driver updates, OS updates, BIOS updates, restarted my PC + Router, made sure the game isn’t being blocked by Firewall, DNS Flushed, relocated the game from one disk to the other (originally had it on an SSD so that it runs smoother and faster.)

Nothing. Worked.

Am I missing out on a step I could have done to find out why I’m not able to run the game? Any help would be appreciated!


Hey there Havoc,

That is an odd error and crash to be getting especially after all that you’ve tried so far. Thanks for listing it all as it does help narrow things down.

We sometimes get crash reports on our end for that error and so I checked for those. I found a few and they all show that the game is crashing cause it can’t access the settings folder that Heroes of the Storm uses. Looks like it’s synced to One Drive. When a folder is synced to One Drive, it can cause permission issues which ultimately causes problems like this.

What you’ll want to do is turn off syncing of the Heroes of the Storm folder in your Documents area. Microsoft has information on how to do that here.

And just a quick note that sometimes excluding the game folder may be enough, but doing the whole Documents folder may be needed.

Please let us know how that goes. Cheers!

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I am having this exact same issue. Error code:

I have uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired, updated windows, updated graphics card, tried installing on my storage drive instead of SSD. I couldn’t figure out the onedrive menu so I just uninstalled one drive. and I’m still getting this exact same error.

any help is appreciated!

Thank you,

I am also having the same issue.

“There was an internal error while connecting to Battle.net. Please try again later”

Tried all the steps above including disabling One Drive. All my other Blizzard titles connect fine.

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Getting the same message, me and couple friends playing aram and kicked us out of voice chat and then when the game was over completely kicks us off…

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I’m getting this error too. Was working fine earlier today.

Same issue. I am getting internal error connecting to battle.net try again later. Was working fine 5 min ago until the next ARAM.

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I’m getting the same exact issue Unable to get past authentication, for US servers but lets me go on Europe.

Blizzard CS on Twitter 13min ago:

“We’re currently seeing some issues with a possible DDOS. That might be causing the issues you are having…”

same error here. says it’s internal and to try again later.

having the same issue. having issue connecting to battle.net . i just assumed they black listed me for refunding D2 res and no longer supporting the game. might just be a great time to buy surviveIcarus dot com

i can connect to battlenet but when i try to connect to heros of the storm it never connects.

admin. no one is ddos attacking your dinosaur f2p game. sorry

i am having this same issue, but i can get onto overwatch fine just not hots, any idea why? saw something about issues with it but it looks like it was just taken down like the problem was resolved but it is not it seems

It’s working for me now.

Edit: Maybe not 100% yet… It’s saying “This play mode is currently disabled.” when trying different game modes.

Edit again 8:37 EST - Looks playable now :slightly_smiling_face:

same here, even tryed reconnecting… its on their end still

Please help, i’ve again tried uninstalling, reinstalling, reparing, restaritng my computer and verifying all my windows/graphics cards are updated. I have one drive uninstalled from the computer.

DF4C809D-5F3B-4035-8611-68C7B3367E27 is the error code i’m a receiving, as it states “my installation is damaged”

Thank you!

At first, the Battle.net (Blizzard App) was unable to locate the ‘Heroes of the Storm’ system file. They directed me to, “Install,” the game files, once more. Following this, I tried to load ‘Heroes of the Storm’. Upon doing so, at the Authentication, “Connecting,” loading prompt, I received a crash. Scan and repairing revealed no errors. Upon loading the game program, once more, I was met with a similar crash error. The Crash Reporting window directed me to this line of code: “21948389-34C0-4FE4-9EF8-8A48267286D5” for reference to the crash. Each time that I have tried to log-in to the ‘Heroes of teh Storm’ game program, I have been met with a crash error. Am I supposed to download and re-install the entire game program? Please advise.

When the error references corrupt files, it is usually due to syncing issues with cloud backup software. Uninstalling the software doesn’t necessarily undo the corruption. Even uninstalling the game itself wouldn’t necessarily solve the issue if the corrupt data is left behind.

The best course of action is to change the cloud software so that it does not try to back up any folders the game uses which typically would be the game installation folder as well as a settings folder under documents for each Windows User. Once that is down you can try deleting the settings folder for the game under documents and then relaunching the game so it can recreated that folder and settings for you.

That should solve both the corrupt data and what was contributing to the corrupt data.