Ults that are good but always get heavy responses

Medivac is amazing. Once or twice I had a random Morales in my team whose decision making with Medivac was out of this world. She easily carried us - figuratively and literally.

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Pyroblast as Kaelthas.
Sure, I could take pheonix and zone but I go the chain-flamestrikes build anyway so Iā€™m already zoning, and most ppl donā€™t know this but if you put a bomb on a liming and then pyroblast her she ceases to exist and zoning < 5v4

Another is Black March as Leoric. Idk if ppl know this but entomb sucks, you shouldnā€™t take it unless you have a specific matchup in that game that gives you a reason to ā€“ iā€™ve seen a lot of leorics spend all game fighting artanis or anubarak take entomb and as a leoric main itā€™sā€¦ justā€¦ embarassing. Like, they see the big plays on youtube or twitch and then take it every time because their brain is smooth and glassy and incapable of taking in information when the map-load screen shows the enemy team is tracer, anub, liming, maiev & murky
Just, please, stop taking Entomb so much

Rain of Destruction as Guldan was another one. I get it, Horrify is a game-ending ultā€¦ in pro play. I donā€™t play ranked, so IDGAF if in ranked a coordinated team can end a game on a single Horrify, bc I donā€™t play coordinated teams and as a guldan main who plays him in the off-lane with a extremely high-pressure siege build being able to whip out a rain of destruction on the enemy base the moment I win the solo & force the enemy solo laner to back is p great. Way better than holding my terrible horrify ult all game waiting for my moron team to be ready to capitalize on a one second stun
Secondly, guldanā€™s portal storm talent is really funny to abuse since everyone is used to him relying on his horrify for CC & escape

Sulfaras Smash on Ragnaros.
Lava Wave is over-rated, Ragnaros has incredible wave-clear anyway, you only need lava wave if youā€™re stuck in a 5-man stack all game.

Divine Storm for Uther.
Idk if you know this but Uther can stun like four or five times in a row. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been screamed at all game for not taking healing talents all game, only to literally walk into the enemy team and straight murder a backliner myself and walk away unharmed, securing the next objective just by virtue of making it a 5v4 as a ā€œhealerā€.
Utherā€™s heals are made for himself, divine storm is his superior ult

Guillotine as Zuljin.
Hitting ā€œRā€ on the enemy healing fountain in fog and scoring a kill is really funny and clearly the superior way to play the game.

Locust Swarm as Anubarak.
Cocoon is garbage unless the enemy teamcomp specifically sets it up and your team specifically is skilled enough to capitalize on it.
Otherwise Locust Swarm is infinitely better, and gives you stupid survivability at level 20. Playing Anub in the off-lane, getting ganked by the entire enemy team and then peeling 1v5 for 5 minutes straight (Iā€™ve literally had a match where the enemy team chased me from their core, all the way to our keeps, and then back to their core) and neutralizing their entire enemy team in the process just by wasting their time chasing the gameā€™s most uncatchable, unkillable hero > cocooning one person for a few seconds. Seriously if I had the spoons to ever bother uploading a replay I could show you some hijinks. Yakity Sax would be involved, I assure you

Haymaker as Muradin.

  1. Heā€™s already the second tankiest hero in the game, if you play him properly youā€™ll run out of mana long before you run out of health so Avatar only serves the purpose of patching a hole for players who are either playing him wrong or shouldnā€™t be using him in that comp
  2. You know how every1 screams at you if you donā€™t take Horrify as guldan bc itā€™s a guarenteed kill? Thatā€™s Haymaker except itā€™s not a skillshot you can mess up. And its CD is tiny
    Like, did you know if an enemy goes to cap your point on Alterac Pass you can Haymaker them thru the terrain and into your fort?

Archon as Tassadar
walls are way over-rated bc of pro players, Archon turns Tassadar into a long-ranged tank and eats a gigantic amount of enemy damage in the process. You just have to know how to use it bc itā€™s not the same as Illidanā€™s Meta; you throw your Q & E out, use your trait if you took its talents and then use Archon to instantly refresh your Q & E. You know how everyone takes the Rewind talent on every hero that has it at level 20? Thatā€™s what Archon is except it makes you 3 inches longer in the process

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