Ults that are good but always get heavy responses

Imagine you are solo queueing.
There are always ults that just gets heavy flame no matter how good you are with that ult.

What is your experience?

For me: half of the times I pick syndringosa as a off tank someone calls it a useless ult. Even on maps like dragonshire or braxis holdout

Lilis waterdragon. I can never pick it even when we are winning every fight without someone starting to flame me


People always give me crap for picking pulse bomb, i don’t know why i think it’s a great source of waveclear and burst damage.


Tripple Trap. It’s a great heroic on some maps, and against some enemies, who can cover long distances fast, or/and can deny damage for limited time (Medivh, Genji, etc).


Sorry pulse bomb? You mean tracers ult . But wich one?

Usually don’t get that myself cause usually going for team-synergy type of ults, however my often most annointed “useless” ults are Wrath of the Berserker (when obviously team relies on her jumping the opponent’s backline) or Falling Sword when team simply can’t afford being without tank for 3 full seconds and rest of squishies get wiped off during the duration lol

The closest to “useless ult” I get is/was with Shadowstalk but frankly consider it most of the time team’s fault for not picking things that are impactful in fights (instead of require by be to “complete the package” but the map requires/relies heavy/er on rotations)

Always pick LiLi’s water dragon in lower ranks and in QM. Ignore the terrible assassins on your team rage as you get all the kills, double their hero damage, and MVP.

And lose the game as a result :stuck_out_tongue:

No ofense, yes, Dragon is good, but Lili dps is no sub for an assassin tbh… And yes you can b*tch about your dps not doing dps but then it’s partly/also your fault for not providing them the chance to endure long enough in order to do so


In games where your assassins end the game with 20,000 damage, 0 kills, and 8 deaths, picking water dragon and getting 60,000 damage, 7 kills, and 0 deaths allows you to win the game.

I don’t recommend this on coordinated teams in higher ranked play, but solo queueing in QM and lower ranks, this is very effective.

i got flamed for picking lightbomb a couple times


Haymaker on muradin.

I once recently got flamed by a 3men smurf premade (they admitted they are smurfs plus had 90+% winrates on lvl 10-18) for picking Zarya’s Expulsion Heroic.

Our team was Mosh ETC, Water Dragon Lili
Mighty Gust Falstad and Playmaker Mura. Should I really pick Graviton for that team?
We were winning but they stayed overextended, got murdered, the enemy gained the lead, our team went for boss while the enemy had lvl 16 talents and we didn’t and they blamed me for soaking and bating Rexxar away from them (makimg the fight 4v4.

But no wonder they flamed me. They were ppl failing at their main acc so they created a smurf gank to abuse the system and stomp newbies. It was obvious from their dumb moves and weird talent picks.

But usually ppl only point out that ppl picked a wrong Heroic when the otber would be much more useful.

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I mean, I’m going to be blunt here, people like to think that most of the people who play on smurfs are just terrible players but this is simply not true. Most in the GM bracket have smurfs, or play purposefully with smurfs of some kind. I know this because I play with and know several GM’s, and not just from this game, but from the other Moba’s as well.

Whatever Ragnaros Heroic I pick I always lose with my allies, “Why u didnt pick lava wave n00b” “Why Lava wave in, pick sulfuras”


But they overextended, did boss with talent disadvantage when the enemy knew they’re doing it.
They cost me the game.
Oh and they said I didn’t shield them as Zarya.

I’m not saying that all smurfs are bad players, but imo the most common reasons for creating smurfs are:

  • I was reported by those morons for no good reason!
  • I’m not on my “true rank”

They definitely sound like they didn’t take the game seriously at all, then blamed you when it didn’t go the way they expected it to.

I like lightbomb. Especially with a johanna blaze or etc at my side

I think people fail to understand how heroics work in the game… it isn’t that some of them are necessarily “bad”, it is that some are mandatory for a hero to fulfill their competitive role in which they were drafted.

Arthas is the perfect example. He is drafted as the off-tank (and sometimes main tank). Survivability is of key importance to him because of how his kit works. Ghouls gives him some of the best survivability of any off-tank/main tank, lets him maximize his kit, and be an actual threat to the enemy.

Syndragosa does none of those things, and is only useful in dive comps – something you wouldn’t draft Arthas into in the first place. So yes, if you draft Arthas properly and then pick Syndragosa, I will be very frustrated with you since you are now a liability with how quickly you can die and how much healing you need.


Divine Storm

All good ults, but not practical most of the time. If you get often flamed because of picking them chances are they have a good reason. Flaming isn’t good, but that doesn’t cover the fact you made a crappy decision that might have cost a lot of team fights and synergy

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I actually prefer resurection by a long shot over crystal of aegis lol

Woooooosh 20characters