Two months since the release of Imperius

Now i know things have slowed down, drastically. But are we to take this as the new norm? A minimum of 2 months before we see a new hero? Seems a lot to me. Waaaay too much, or is this the way of letting the game die easy? A day at a time?
Disclaimer: Not ranting, just curious.


I’m also getting a bit worried. I hope they’re just getting their sea legs after all this commotion. They did say that a new hero is coming soon™ on Twitter recently, in response to someone asking. Fingers crossed that soon means like… next week.

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Hopefully, I mean, one a month would’ve been fine. I’m wondering if this is a result of the recent layoffs they had. I know the majority of them were customer oriented and CM’s but i fear it might be worse than that.

We will most likely be getting season heroes, so 3 to 4 a year.

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That doesn’t sound too good to me. I can’t even say that i’m expecting any other new content[i.e maps, events, reworks and so on.]

Unfortunately, is is the most likely possibly from what I’ve read on reddit.

Well, I think one every other month would be more likely. I think they’ll go Hero/Pair of reworks/Hero/Pair of reworks like they did last year. February we got Ana and Abathur reworks instead of a hero, so that lines up.

Keep in mind that the Hero/Pair of reworks was also broken quite frequently last year. We might see some Hero/Hero pairs, especially coinciding with various expos.

With such a huge shift of development off of this project? I highly doubt it.

Understood, well they did say that was they way things were going the be from now on. It just seems too lengthy. Oh well, nothing we can actually do. But it is disappointing.

I do agree.

I think this is an outliner and not the norm.
And I think we’ll get 6+ Heroes this year.


They are making Tassadar’s rework.
So shut up and sit quietly!
I waited for this news too long.


i think they will not remake tassadar very soon :sob:

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too many reworks now, thats why they are not focusing on releasing new heroes, or at least I hope that this is the reason


If they indeed increase the time between patches, then I hope they at least start releasing a hero with every big patch again, like they used to. They can even switch to 1 hero + 1 rework per patch :stuck_out_tongue:

Release - Balance Patch (2 weeks) - Reworks (2 weeks) - Balance Patch (2 weeks) - PTR/Release

This ha sbeen the modus for quite some time now.

inb4 it’s secretly a 2 hero release for the spring event.

This is probably a “recovery” period from Blizzard basically telling them they gave up on the game and only want a skeleton crew running it.

I would not mind an Iterael+Leah double release.

Except it has been almost 9 weeks since Imperius’ release (he was released of 8th of Jan).