So, my experience is my experience so I’m not making complaints or trying to toss around ‘facts’. They’re just my experiences.
From the couple games I’ve played, it seems like she is very team dependent and kind of niche. Her Q inherently gets the most value when hitting more than 1 target. When faced against a poke team, cc, or dots, you can’t really get close without losing 50% of your health.
I’m pretty sure that’s not how Maiev is supposed to work so I think I’m doing something wrong. Not sure what my strategy should be when playing her because people tend to go out of their way just to kill me.
Played 2 games. One game had a valeera and butcher so everytime valeera silenced me, butcher would run in and stun me right afterward. Chain cc to death. They’d do this at the cost of their own lives if needed, for some reason, they just really wanted me dead.
Second game had a hammer and there was no way I was going to be able to get close without losing half my HP. My team didn’t really have an answer for hammer so the enemy team just did what they wanted all game.
Yes, this is QM. I’m just trying to figure out if she’s super comp dependent and therefore, best left to draft or if there’s a way to make her work even in the randomness of QM.
Every time I picked Maiev, I’d go against an all ranged team with no tanks for either side so I couldn’t pull decent dmg with everyone so spread out.
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You don’t have to E + W into the enemy team, you can just activate W if they try to engage you and they’ll be pulled away with you and you can use your E to escape.
Positioning weirdly helps x) to get Q resets off of enemy Heroes.
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Yeah, I didn’t bother trying to get Ws off because I couldn’t get close enough to pull it off without killing myself.
I would suggest to watch leftovers old videos.
Blktny played a vicious maiev.
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oh look it’s the Maiev Main with Whitemane portrait giving advice! HelloMaiev
I am now a Maiev main, and I will be your executioner.
Maiev has a really good multi-target damage, so try to use her Q when you have at least 2 enemy heroes, so the cooldown of her Q will drastically reduced.
Banana is a masters lvl 142 maeive if you looking to learn with 58% winrate
Here I summoned him
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She is great at braxis holdout and volskaya
You need a good tank to play her
Her W cleaves
Her D should not be used for basic attacks
Try to be unpredictable
But for the rest I recommend gameplay video she is not a hero that can be explained trough text
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Yeah, I didn’t have any tanks in both matches so I guess that explains it. I thought that was the reason but I wanted to make sure.
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Maeive sadly works only with a team who can play with her.
You can pull and reset for days. But when the rest are in the far backline. You have more luck running a Qhira or Butcher.
Maiev is good with Malfurion and E.T.C.
Because those 2 do CC
Malfurion can root a lot of enemies with his E
And E.T.C can stun a lot of enemies with Mosh Pit.
Yeah, could have used some cc too because my QM matches had no tanks with ranged dps and a healer vs us, a dps comp with a healer. So, without a tank, I couldn’t get in to do my damage safely and without cc, there were only a few opportunities to get resets on Q.
From the sounds of it, my initial thoughts on Maiev are parallel to what you guys are telling me so it’s all good. I’ll just play Maiev whenever I play with friends and can coordinate our comps.
As you mentioned, a Valeera silence then followed with a butch stun could be avoided with D, let me explain: usually when you see a Valeera coming, you could Q her to reveal her, but her hitbox is really small and you could miss her, my advice is to trait her silence like a right before you see her coming for you, then E out asap when someone else like butch comes your way, obviously it takes practice to avoid her silence, but when you see a Valeera trying to silence you, but you trait right before making her waste her ability, trust me, there’s nothing more satisfying
W as someone else said, cleaves, so if you’re laning, try to use it on minions when an enemy hero is closer to you, if you go quest at 1, it gives you stacks, helping you complete it faster
Warden’s cage is really good, but takes practice aswell, i suggest going Isolation, if you miss, no biggy, low cooldown, and it’s very good against a diver, for example a butch that goes for a kill on someone or yourself, just pop it, easy target since the charge is predictable.
He is one of the best Maievs in this game.
Maybe you can get some help here for how her combo work out.
Oh, I forgot to mention what kind of cc, not just ordinary CC, but area based cc, like Malfurion E and ETC Mosh Pit, just forgot to specifying the area based CC
Played 2 games today with Maiev, because this thread got me inspired.
I won both, but it was so hard to keep track of everything going on with Maiev, and I felt I wasn’t contributing in the least!
Fun nonetheless.
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first : the videos from Spaßvogel are very inspiring to the feel you can get when playing her
(Frogsaron linked the “Maiev Guide” one, it’s also from Spaßvogel)
although he plays only the “cruel chains” build and it was at an era before she got a rework, it’s still up to date for the Maiev feeling
She does not essentially require a setup for her to work eventhough she won’t do much on her own vs ranged like lunara/raynor
Playing Maiev requires to get accustomed to the Q spam landing otherwise you’re gonna miss some nice dmg and a lot of value (cause it puts your enemies in an undesired stance). This literally just comes with practice and quick cast so you’re gonna stare at the shape of the Q several times in the begining^^
quickly, what she brings :
- displacement (tied to your game experience to know who to displace, where and when)
- Contextual AoE
- Chase/Ambush
- “Nullification” of an enemy with the disc
- the cage (speaks for itself)
- very good single target dmg, don’t underestimate it she can duel a lot of heroes
- wave clear, it’s very fast with a rotation of her abilities
- poke
advices :
- first I highly recommend to use quick cast for everything, otherwise it might be impossible to really play her. Maiev is a hero that is constantly moving in all the directions and launching her skillshots in the other all directions
- don’t try to land Qs un-ending-ly, instead try to land Qs only if you’re safe. Which means poking, and if you dive, with or without E, land 1 or 2 Qs while going out (however it is, if it’s with another E, running with D, …)
- think “how can I disrupt the enemies the max possible”. You can really play a game where you mess with their focus, like you launch your E to them but sometimes you blink-in, sometimes not. Sometimes you Q them, sometimes you tether them, etc etc, there’s a ton you can do. Up to you to choose what’s the best to get to the win, the goal being also to bring value by displacing them or AoE them when favorable
- both her heroics are value-full and usually there’s always one that suits better your game so try to evaluate when 10 pops which one you feel is gonna be the best asset for this game. If you’re like “we need to get to them” obviously it’s looking like a cage game, if you’re more like “man this varian is such a problem” use the disc (sort of a cocoon). There’s more scenarios for both heroics ofc but that can be a general feeling to start
- talking about the disc, it’s very good to protect from divers and save your allies (or yourself) like from a zeratul/butcher etc. Also very usefull to simply get rid of the tank that really prevents your team from doing their stuff, like a muradin or johana. Also “Gather quickly we stand as o…” shush, mosh pit, etc etc. Can be used on vehicles but it’s more a meme, can also be used on molten core ragnaros
it’s also simply an awesome catching tool, like a void prison that you can launch to a single enemy. Really this ult is amazing
- try to not waste your D, in the begining you tend to spam it as a reflex whenever something is directed to you. The best is to use it to avoid the key skillshot that would put you in the worst situation possible, like a muradin’s Q that can be followed by a malfurion’s root or any stun-lock, then followed by the focus of too much dps. What I mean is, sometimes you can simply dodge a skillshot by running or blinking so it’s best to save the D if you are “trapped” in an unavoidable situation. Also the D can make you avoid stuff like Garrosh’ E, Valeera’s openers, things like this, so when you’re playing and if you have the feel that the enemy is gonna do it like now, just press D. I mean it’s the rule for every ability targeted at you that is not telegraphed like hanzo’s dragon’s arrow or hammer’s BFG, but else you won’t have the span to time it
- you can launch your E in the opposite direction of the enemies, tether 1+ of them, then E again to blink to the spirit position. It will break the tether and pull the enemies in the direction where the spirit was. It’s kind of a classic/basic stuff but it will opens your vision for more scenarios. You can do a ton, you can use the tether with or without the spirit, you can not inevitably break the tether and simply use it to proc pursuit of vengeance or to disturb your enemies when your goal is simply to aa/Q them in melee range.
You can launch the spirit in the direction where your team is flee-ing, tether the enemies and run in the opposite direction, break the tether and then blink to the spirit, meanwhile always trying to spam some Qs… that’s kind of Maiev’s typical gameplay
For the builds it’s very adaptative actually. Usually people prefere the classic “cruel chains” build
But you can make a build with Naisha at 1 if you feel you’ll be able to AA in melee without suffering too much damage
I like to use pin down at 4 for max AoE dmg IF the enemy team is convenient for it to work
Otherwise my favorite build that I use maybe 75%+ of the times :
I love it because it has strong single target dmg, ambush-burst, enhanced mobility. I love the AoE burst of Vengeful Knives, really this talent is so strong and combined with ruthless spirit, bwaa. And I love & always go shadow strike at 20, it’s always the perfect tool for me, catch anything in the late game or shred tanks with team follow-up
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If you’re not playing with a team, you may get bad results even if you get really good with her. Your efficiency relies on people following up on what you do.
People are unreliable.
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