Try to hold your ground more

We all know the chen diving on a backline hero or the valeera doing some stabby stab and a greymane jumping on you.

You try to run away but you die. But why not use your own body language to send a message?
This is all about intimidation

For example a I use deckard
Here im getting caught off with not much health. I knew if I ran to the towers I would die. So I trowed a root on myself and stayed under it. Valeera ran away and I lived.


Example B Raynor
Once a greymane jumped on me. Instead of running away I moved to get behind him while doing AA. He got scared and ran away. If I didnt do this, he would have won and killed me, but somehow this intimidated him because I gave a signal I was confident in killing him

Heroes like tracer Illidans and chens want you to run away. So just stay close to your teammates. Hold your ground and he will think twice before diving on you. Even when you miss your sleepdart. Just stay close, if you cant do something maybe your Valla can scare him away with her arrows


I would argue this varies from hero to hero and match-up to match-up. Not everyone can just defend themselves and attempt to fight back.


When I play Tracer I am constantly amazed at how many people just run away. Even heroes like Raynor that could be considered counters.

They could AA me 4-5 times and I’d be on 20% health. But they run away in panic.

It is okay to fight back when you are attacked out of position. You should.


Yeah ofcourse, I agree with this, but just sticking together or trying to be more of a thread can always help!

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It’s probably because people don’t understand concept of body blocking at all. You fight tracer by standing in a minion wave, because the moment she can attach the bomb on your character, you already lost.


yes as her bomb doesn’t “prioritize heroes” a minion could eat it for you and then you live but she either stay and die or run away if you’re attacking her ofc. i seen many player’s run away and just die instead of play it smart and stay in the minion wave against her


Yeah, not being a pussy and fight back is a good way to deal with such situations, especially since not everyone will expect it :facepunch:

Not much of an example. The game time is 1:35 and chance are Valeera was sub 4. Most of her damage is weighted on her 4 and 7 talents. Before then she is moderate damage at best.

At level 10 she would have out right obliterated you. Root poses no threat to her due to cloak of shadows.

Or you could have shot him with penetrating rounds and inspired away to safety. Without a late game talent Greymane would never be able to catch up as he is stuck at 100% movement speed.

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What are you doing?

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Of course not, that’s the point of the bluff.

If you’re fighting someone you can’t beat or escape, then running isn’t going to do anything for you.

So instead of telling them outright that you’re terrified of them by running and dying, stand your ground and make them fight for what was supposed to be an easy kill.


I agree wholeheartedly with your point. There is a time when the best defense is offense. A lot of Assassins are for example like this. If you get the drop on those who normally would mean unfavorable matchup for you then they would most likely retreat. Why? Because they aren’t dumb, either. They might’ve normally won against you but after losing half their health even if they might still win a duel there’s no guarantee your teammates won’t kill your assailant sooner.
This is why I feel the idea of Jaina having “no escape” is bollocks. She might not have much in the way of mobility but that’s it. Same for Deckard of course.

As for your examples, I feel you ironically also provided counter-examples. If the Valeera would’ve been more confident she might’ve finished you off, root or otherwise. She didn’t, perhaps partially because her energy bar was low.

As for the Greymane example, I have an old video:

1:21 onwards if you want context. 1:57 if you just wish to see action.
This is what happens when Greymane does not respect you.
Also, RIP pre-rework Whitemane. You’ll be missed. :cry:

honestly more people need to learn the art of intimidation. i swear nothing scares those lame valeeras and zeratuls more than a well landed cc with the scary “come at me, watchu got?” attitude


That 1v1 was sexy

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Because you always have every abilitys ready. Totally not used before and are doing the perfect thing in the perfect scenario. Nice to see everyone here is a grandmaster.

Cm on man. He even mentioned greymane should have won that fight :sweat_smile:

Thank you.

Anyways, for the topic let’s analyze what happened. The enemy rolled us for most of the match and they were overconfident. They messed up so bad they got nearly team wiped. Our team then tries to lane (what to say, there’s a reason we were doing bad up till this point). Greymane is the sole survivor.

Without context what I did was just plain dumb. As a healer I shouldn’t steal the siege camp by my lonesome. But psychologically Greymane was in no shape to take fights. You’re the sole survivor of an awful teamfight and see the enemy healer going to your camp. What you’d do? It’s reasonable to assume other enemies are nearby so obviously Greymane ran. I was first satisfied by this and wanted to support Sylv but Greymane got half their health down and nothing really threatened my team so I chose to steal the camp regardless.

I did this while careful to keep my health, mana and cooldowns up because there was a faint chance Greymane might return. I know how quickly he can burst down squishies and I was rightfully afraid he might risk going after me still. And he did. Probably he noticed my long absence and assumed I am taking my sweet time with the Siege Camp. Well, he was right. But also…

I didn’t want to fight Greymane but also had no reason to assume I cannot survive the encounter. Go for the Throat build Greymanes tend to have a typical pattern so first I stole his momentum by that mid-leap root. Then I was meant to use my level 20 active with +50% spellpower but I messed up. Anyways, once he attacked I knew it could easily take down most of my health so I activated Scarlet Aegis and made use of the fact he was voluntarily immobile right next to me for Lashing Out procs. You saw the rest.

It wasn’t an ideal fight by far. Yet the right dose of aggression can do wonders, just as your thread states.

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I think knowing your hero is a great way to do this. If I was WM I would just hide in the bushes.

This basicly summs up this thread. It isnt ideal but just show confidence and hope for the best!

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I like that you used Deckard for an example, that’s one of my favorite heroes to man up on. Stukov also with fetid touch/excision, like “Yeah, come here. No, you wanted to fight, let’s do it. Where ya goin’?” Of course you can do this on any hero. “I would have run away, but I was weighed down by my giant balls.”

Sometimes I play a little too confidently though, and feed a lot. But it is some of the most spirited feeding you’ll ever see. And much of the time, it’s just a giant, amazing bait. Deckard post-16 with those fat potions… I’m the bait tank now


This thread reminds me of the HoTS moments where an Auriel stole a boss camp from the entire enemy team with no support and lived till the rest of their team got there to clean up.

Be ballsy. Be confident.

Cause really, you run, you die. You fight? Maybe not.

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That’s good though varies from hero to hero and yes you need to use your spider senses.

My last match, I was tracer and I had an arthas, there was a veleera just killing us early game. Around early-mid game, I decided to stick with Arthas as I don’t have any ‘reveal’ valeera abilities, unless I am super accurate with my pulse bomb throw and even then, is it worth it?

Our arthas put his aura to catch valeera and I stand in his aura, profit. Good guy arthas.

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you guys need to stop telling people how to play. Whenever I’m the assassin I want to be able to walk up and kill them without them fighting back. And when I’m the healer I want them to think they can kill me so then they come in and die…

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