I used to think blizz was too boring and lazy to invent creative ways of counterplaying cc. Now i think the player base is too dump to use creative ways and needs a one button skill thats simple enough for dumpsterfire thought mechanics.
Talents are a great way to allow heroes counter options. Its almosts like wth they are designed for. Counter stuff on a game by game basis by combining knowledge of hero and knowledge of opposition.
2020 what blizz do? Give us a big boring red button that counter cc in the lamests way possible. By clearing it. Yeah. Just that. No talents or anti cc special heroes. Just a button that clear cc.
What next for 2021? A button on a 6 min timer that buffs cc to not be clearable? 2022 a button on a 7min timer that prevents cc prevent mechanics? Oh boy.
I see Gladiator’s Medallion in a continuum to Deathwings release; Attempts to reduce the cc-chain meta.
People complained of being stuck in long cc chains and Blizzard responded (and no, people outside upper MMR’s generally don’t pick Cleanse though that is an option, even if it doesn’t effect yourself).
At least they are trying new things. It’s not like it has to stay in the game if people don’t like it; It’s an anomaly just like the weather anomaly that got voted off.
For all we know the medallion could be gone by christmas.
He maybe a contrarian on purpose in some threads, but IMO each thread should be treated separately. People also piled on HailFall after he trolled for a bit but then stopped.
I personally like the medallion but he’s entitled to dislike it for whatever reason. If he wants to discuss rationally why he dislikes it even better.
As anomalies do stay or get deleted based on reddit/forum discussions or votes & feedback.
using a 1 second self-unstoppable with a 5 minute cooldown effectively is not “simple” by any means. noobs are going to waste it constantly on crap that doesn’t matter like a slow that is inconsequential.
Its as simple as it gets. Only thing simpler might be 15 min cd. It is just a button that clears the cc lol. Like cmon. Theres not even a tradeoff or special planning or gameplay mechanics to consider.
Noobs waste everything. Saying the lowest will screw it up doesnt prove its not simple. The least capable will always screw it up whether its simple or not.
What exactly is your issue with the medallion? That you press a button to clear cc? Or that you think there is a better solution to cc-bloat? Or do you think that there isn’t a problem with cc?
you can use it to clear roots
which means Arthas gets even more useless then ever, not this forum cares about a hero that isn’t from Overwatch or anything
You keep talking about these fantastic ideas but you haven’t really produced any yet. It may actually be that it’s tougher than it seems since it runs a lot of risk of being feast or famine situations, which becomes a new layer of problem.
But I’d also like to double down and say it’s ironically the least brainless implementation of CC counterplay: not only does it not work while under the effects of disabling control, but its duration is one second while its cooldown is five minutes. In a twenty minute game it has a maximum of four uses; a long game at thirty minutes is six uses. Four to six uses in the majority of games is four to six ults or q/w/e nulled, only assuming all uses are successful in preventing what would have been a kill otherwise.
Think about that for just a minute. Four uses in a twenty minute, average game. Four. Even four Apocalypse casts is, what, eight minutes total? Is there a longer cooldown for a CC ult? And to say nothing of them needing it for a Storm Bolt or Powerslide or a Feral Spirit or, heaven forbid, a crucial slow. You get to cleanse any one soft CC and prevent any one hard CC per five minutes. Most CC in the game barring maybe one or two examples can be used multiple times within that window.
But go ahead and tell me how busted it is and how it’s going to totally render the CC game inert. Five minutes at a time.
Blizzard has given up to the community long time ago already. They realized that they attracted players that don’t care about multiplayer and that don’t play and coordinate together (VC was a fail outside pro players, who uses this to coordinate - no one).
Just check new heroes and hero reworks. Heroes today can do everything. They can heal themselves, they can wave clear, take camps, have enough health to survive, have CC… just everything you need to play a solo player game within a multiplayer game. You don’t have to rely heavily on your healers anymore to heal you when you can just heal yourself every few seconds or constantly by just auto attacking. You don’t need someone to peel if you have tons of escapes.
And now the one button unstoppable crap that is an even clearer sign, that this game is no longer a multiplayer game but a game where 5 solo players happen to play the same match on the same side.
I just wait for the moment when every hero will have Ancestral healing on his 1, Ressurrect on his 2, Protected on his 3 and Bubble Hearth on his 4 along with Unstoppable on his 5 and Recall on his 6 per default and then reading the patch notes: “We want people to be able to make aggressive plays and don’t be punished too hard for mistakes during a fight”.
Imperius cries: “Why I have no good wave clear, devs?!”, followed by Tassadar, who is jealous about Ming’s blink: “Why I have no escape ability and can be dived easily?!”
You cannot use the Medallion while stunned, that alone put it in a place that force players to actually put some skill into using it. If they’re going to chain stun you and you don’t see it coming than the Medallion will be useless anyway, because you’ll never be able to press that button.
It would have been brain dead if you could activate it while already stunned.