Tracer needs to go back to the trash bin

I have the perfect counter , if i become the AI and read every input and nail her with all my Q with orphea i can win too.
Now i have to graduate form being an apache helicopter

Couldn’t find the link I watched yesterday. Here is an ancient one
It’s way easier with life steal now.

Fan looks sober in 90% of his games, don’t expect much.

Lol that AI is so bad, and this is 2 years ago when she 6 blinks, that’s still not a reason to consider her being broken.

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You wrote it wrong!

It’s Lulnara.

Where exactly are you getting this win rate? All web sites that I know of only have data for periods of 7 days. That’s the smallest period you can pick. So no one has any data on new Tracer yet.

And if you do look at the last 7 day period, her win rate is 50% (With a 5.1% pick rate, which is kind of pathetic)


Just done finished my last game. Did solo boss on ToD. By accident because I did not know I could. started at roughly 6min and it took roughly 1 minute.

I can send the replay if you or anyone would like. But don’t expect anything special, I am average I think. [If so, post me where to upload pls]

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What level were you?

Sure go ahead.

If you have discord you can do the following:


  1. Upload to Discord or just any Cloud storage serivce but discord is the quickest and easiest.
  2. Right click the name of the file and click copy link.

Share it anywhere afterwards, note: put the link in preformatted text because it dislikes links for Trust Level users lower than 3, basically `link here`

Tracer will always be one of those heroes to when ever they are good they are a toxic gameplay experience for everyone else, does that mean she’s op? not necessary but she sure kills any fun in the game.

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Level 10 to 11. Was one of the quicker QMs.

also finally figured out discord also figured out the preformat (aka added to spaces). Small feedback positive or negative always appreciated ^^.

https:// cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/708348491822530635/708348629311684668/Tracer_Solos_Boss_-_ToD.StormReplay

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No, because she was designed for OW first.

Sgt. Hammer and E.T.C. are the first Nexus originals, since they’re specific individuals based on general ideas for units. The characters themselves didn’t exist until HotS.

Guys, it was a joke. Of course I don’t consider Tracer a Nexus original.


If they would simply not allow blinks to be as fast as your keyboard can repeat, it would be nicer to play against. High mobility in this game is very strong. Locking tracer down is not as simple as ‘pick varian’ when she is picked later in a draft. There is a good reason she and Genji were nerfed into the ground. Being able to close gap from offscreen before i have finished a casting animation on someone like chromie is well beyond stupid…but hey it’s blizz, what more do you expect?

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Sorry just a bunch of nerds here


No, because her design was in OW LONG before she was in HotS, not to mention that OW had been closed beta for a while before then.

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all this flaming and i got banned for callign someone a grumpy boomer

insane lmao

ETC existed as a WoW character and metal band for the MMO, he’s a homeage to that and the Tauren Marine joke. Brightwing and Hammer on the other hand are Nexus Originals which were latter introduced back to their parent universes.

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Your only hope is to queue with friends who pick reliable CC and then play QM. Tracer is really strong now but she’s not invincible. And QM is a clown fiesta 99% of times, now with more Tracer cus of the latest changes.

Tracer thrives in QM exactly due to the lacking synergy compared to Ranked, indeed. She isn’t that much different compared to Valeera in this aspect.
Actually, I take that back. Tracer’s blinks and recalls are way less frustrating than Valeera teleporting over your skillshots for a stun/silence.