Unpopular opinion for all the QM heroes, but Tracer doesn’t work in this game, and she belongs in the trash bin along with Genji.
Her toxic 60% winrate post-rework is just proof of this.
Thanks but no thanks on that rework blizz
Unpopular opinion for all the QM heroes, but Tracer doesn’t work in this game, and she belongs in the trash bin along with Genji.
Her toxic 60% winrate post-rework is just proof of this.
Thanks but no thanks on that rework blizz
they existed for quite a while… you not knowing how to play against them doesn’t make them “toxic” it’s just an L2P issue
Ehh she still has strong counters.
Taunt varian, any blinds, diablo.
I hate her more than anyone but tracer players deserve a chance to shine (for a limited time)
Ironically cassia does not apply to this : )
Question of the day:
Since Tracer appeared in HotS before OW was ever a game, does that mean she is the first “Nexus Original” hero?
i think you can say so in that case.
Tracer existed in OW closed and open beta. So teeeechnically she did come out in OW first
Valeera sh*t on her so much!
it has begun…!
Wow. One day win rate huh?
In QM you say?
(FYI, a win rate cannot be toxic, that’s not what toxic means)
You haven’t given any reasons for why this hero should be removed.
that’s the problem here… these people don’t know what toxic even means…this hero is toxic / that player is toxic / that game is toxic / that school is toxic / this food is toxic and it goes on and on…
You put it in a sentence where you complain about something, and it makes it look legit.
hows about bonus range and 30% lifesteal on the most annoying hero in the game at lvl 4
she’s straight up ridiculous right now and win rate will only go higher cos she is a high skill cap hero so ppl get better with practice on her.
you know what, I actually agree since I played enough games against her. Ever since the buffs from the reason patch she seems unfun to play against and harder to kill. she was already annoying before and disliked.
She has too much of a unfair advantage now and can just stick a bomb with OP damage on someone for an easy kill with no draw backs.
Wasn’t the rework a huge nerf to her though?
I mean yeah, she has more survivability now, but she lost all of her damage.
yep it was nerf/buff but for whatever reason potatoes gonna complain anyway…
Don’t you mean, a NUFF? or a Berf, you decide lol
you know, a nerf/buff --> a Nuff? Berf?
oh excuse me it’s 2 AM i didn’t see the replacement of the B and N on both words.