Tracer needs to go back to the trash bin

Funnily enough, the given request said that the pose was uncharacteristic for Tracer to use, and some blues agreed.

However, it’s like the mcdonald’s coffee thing, and people took the wrong information for context and reaction, so they draw the wrong conclusions and just say “seee seee, a thing changed!”

Part of what makes the outcry/pc whatever so idiotic is that it neglects the pose was used on other characters, some of which even more provocative to see, and the changed pose is arguably ‘worse’ per its references. So if they were genuinely up in arms about that stuff, they should have taken the the concern to other characters, been further offended by the new pose and yada yada yada

It’s an ignorant trainwreck perpetuated by people with poor communication habbits that just hope other people figure out what they mean themselves, otherwise they just hitch some rides or whatever bandwagon will carry them; kinda like the segue in this topic :wink:

That and the fact there’s not even a single reasons to mention this, in the topic.

Can we close this pls ty we are talking about Tracer balance not something stupid that happened4 years ago, ok? Ok…


I thought this topic was about trascans and real estate property for oscar the grouch?

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Who cares if it’s unpopular or not? At least provide some sort of evidence for them “not working in this game”. Just saying it’s an unpopular opinion doesn’t take away that you still need to provide SOMETHING for the opinion. You have to give us something to work with to have an actual discussion.

this is just an argument that gets worse the more I look at it. First off, winrate on it’s own doesn’t mean much but it means even less when you’re taking overall winrate across all skill levels (Surprise, Bronze players and Grand Masters don’t play at the same skill level so data between the two groups isn’t interchangeable). It means even LESS than that due to the fact you’re apparently using QM, a game mode famous for horrific matchmaking and clown games. It means EVEN LESS when you realize you’re trying to use all that data mere hours after a patch has hit the live servers to justify your pretty clear bias.

If you’re going to make a thread calling a character OP, saying they need to be removed from the game and refusing to even expand on part of your original opinion, at least wait a week or two before making the thread.


You think people who hate overwatch character for 4 years, dedicating their whole life hating on them, have anything constructive to say???


Not even remotely but I like giving people the chance to actually elaborate on their thoughts (Which is why I often ask people to show evidence or elaborate what they meant if their opening post is too vague or badly constructed) or at least know that an argument they thought made sense actually made no sense at all or relies on questionable/wrongly quoted evidence.

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Then you are for a lose with this OP, much as most of the Anti Overwatch hivemind.

That’s because you make them obvious.
When a hero suddenly start bee-lining towards you, and you can SEE the determination in his eyes, as he locked on to you - you kinda know what follows.
If you know the heroes, you know what to expect. And when to expect it (because you know the range).

Instead, with a highly-dodging hero like Tracer, don’t just use your skillshots as soon as they’re available. Instead, let her either overreact by dashing, or let her relax for .5-1 second when she sees you not casting, and THEN make the skillshot.

wait, are you saying this kind of topics wasn’t make to say bad things about ow characters,
I mean tracer is so bad and unbalanced. It’s really ridicoulus, that somebody thought her release will be good. I even say…
Ah, joke on you. Most hated hero is still qhira. She iss the qeeeen. Ow heroes no match for her. Even with the power of friendship .

Nobody is, nobody does and nobody will do so, my point is, its been 4 years.

“Hey guys remember when [hero] was so broken? therefore they should stay as they is”
“Why buff this hero? He was OP 4 years ago”
“Remember when you said this 8 years ago?”
You guys sound like games don’t evolve or change same as much people in real life.


what hello what really

I thought Genji was supposed to be the most annoying hero evah? Leeching rounds and Jumper is just to make a Tracer Tassadar hybrid Tracerdar, coming soon!

Honestly though, even pre-rework Tracer could feel too strong in QM if you had no melee and no hard CC. She seems stronger now, but was far too weak before and had exactly one build. Give her some time in the sunshine before asking for nerfs.

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yea i just had a tracer in my team with around 10k dmg at lvl 20 she is trashhhhh :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

Ranged assassins countering melees or having a considerable advantage is nothing new in this game and is unrelated to Tracer herself.

A lot of heroes like Tracer can stay out of the gap from melees, Valla, Sylvanas, even Raynor with the right talents.

Its not just a Tracer thing, Tracer excels it though in comparison with the price of less damage baseline and sustain in general.

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I love the new Tracer

I know, I was pointing out that any hero can feel strong in a random QM environment. I haven’t had problems with Tracer in my random games, she feels strong, but not oppressive. The OP is judging her performance after just one day, it’s silly.

Ana off the top of my head.

She released to bad win rates, but was basically a super broken healer capable of insane damage and utility.

She got buffed fast if memory serves

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I thought the hybrid would be called Tassascer… :thinking:
no scrap this, it sounds even more horrible :sweat_smile:

this is what populists do. They emphasise something based on few information and clamour their own opinion as the idiology of everyone.

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I vote for simply Tasser. It doesn’t sound bad.
Trassadar also has a powerful oomph to it.

But of course!
If you’d be as smart as that - you’d also be able to immediately understant the entire Truth of the universe by simply glancing at patchnotes and losing one game.

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