Tracer needs to go back to the trash bin

What be they saying?

“overwatch bad”, anything else good

anything else, or everything else? this little thing really matter.
If anything else, then she will not be really nerf, but if everything else she will get an insane nerf like basic attack range -0.5

lol, that isn’t even the insane nerf, the insane nerf is her damage to compensate that disgusting sustain.

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Being inside enemy ranged longer is quite opposite to “easier to play” while still having low hp. Cant say the same about blink in, W, AA as long as possible, R and recall.

not gonna repeat my morning rant, here’s a screenshot, *pats on head*

I am saying, that 0.5 isn’t noticeable and the massive nerf is her damage, Pulse Bom deals less than damage than living flame lol. (excluding 6% scale of course)

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That doesn’t change the fact that a heroic ability deals less damage than a basic ability.


Sorry but rant no different than “OW bad, remove because I say so”.

I don’t know how often you’d play Tracer at max range anyways. You want to be close to the enemy so you can use your W and R. So you don’t really feel the range loss.

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Then you are misreading the rant, I clearly state my position and points and arguments proving how her skill ceiling was lowered in fact, the hypercarry playstyle and constant kiting was the main reason of her having an abhorrently large ceiling in the first place.

This patch moved her blinks into a positioning tool and CC/Skill Shot juking/baiting is less reliant than ever.

Tracer is now a better version of Illidan. And because of that, that makes her even more dangerous, even worse, a threat for every player who doesn’t like playing against her.

How so? Because she got bit more hp and selfsustain baseline? (still weaker what she would have before with Tass/Aba nearby). Because of that she has to worry less about CC/damage now? Despite recall nerf?

Ye I dont understand.

Her mobility and range gapping was nerfed, her ability to kite constantly was also affected, I literally explained that both the previous and that screenshot.

I use to like Tracer but the PC stuff happned to overwatch.

Yeah the PC stuff needs to go to the trash.

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Pc stuff?
Could you tell what is this to an uncultured swine as me?

They changed her butt pose like 4 years ago because someone didn’t like it.

I honestly have no clue what has this to do with anything in this topic it seems like off topic to me.


I’ll admit I’m on the tracer hate train. Frankly she is pretty unfun to play against in general, either dodging every single skillshot or blowing you up with bomb + trades, but I do feel she should he viable in her niche, her niche shouldn’t be just outtrade and hunt anyone solo.

But as of right now, pretty k.


Polticaly Correct aka force Tracer being queer, nerfing her butt pose. Doing things to please groups of people.

Like when former writer decided to turn solider 76 gay out of nowere, that was totally another PC move

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oooooooh that’s why my picture on blizz acount is widowmaker
If you turn on the owerwatch game, sometimes she appaers. You can see her half… very nicely. “This is not bad thing at all”. But that one pose reaction is wooo !!! pfuu!!!
This makes me laugh even now.

so trolling. with extra steps