Tracer needs to go back to the trash bin

yeah not sure why the OP is crying so much while she mostly got a mix of a nerf and a buff… and you really can’t judge her winrate on first day of releasing the rework this kid is really weird. as for cassia i have no idea i’m going to play both tomorrow and see how they perform


I love to see Catherina humiliating the trolls and flamers from the forum, it’s so fun :heart:


i mean what’s better than making a troll cry and run? nothing. but hey seeing how he ignored every single reply to his thread just to reply to me and all of that… jeeeez what’s wrong with him? what’s the point of creating a thread if you’ll ignore 99.99% of who posted in it?? so ridiculous

past 3 AM imma get some sleep was fun talking to this troll tho.


I mean overwatch was in beta, and even playable in a blizzcon

She is what she is. I like this rework a lot. Will she ever be “top tier”? I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m having fun with her. And these new skins are just so cute.


She has too many counters to ever be an S tier.


don’t care. if she’s just a QM hero for funsies, then that’s what she’ll be.

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This is, without doubt, the weakest iteration of her, since they nerfed every single aspect of damage she can push. She can be slightly stronger on autos (full builld, Untouchable 2.0 stacked) than before, but given how her burst is a fraction of what it was at launch…

Things aren’t looking good for her.

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don’t care. she is what she is. I’m having fun with her. stop expecting her to be top tier, always banned or fought over in draft. it’s not gonna happen. she’s just not that type of hero.


None of what you said is based in reality or fact

The win rate speaks for itself

I’m glad we can base all future statistics on the day 1 win rate.


You’re calling her weak and underpowered after the same 1 day, except what you’re saying doesn’t even line up with win rate states - so what does that say about you? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Friend, you are worth a lot; don’t waste time with this troll.


OW was in release. The whole purpose of adding Tracer to HOTS was to get OW players to try and migrate to HOTS.

I know what “toxic hero” mean:
The following hero are toxic:

  • Guldan
  • Xul
  • Luhaha
  • Sylv
  • murky
  • Nazeebo

They are toxic because they have poison damage. Am I right?
Ok, I am trolling on this trolling post. I will see my way out. :door: :walking_man:t2:


Whatever if she really has 60% wr then nerfs it is.

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She makes the game miserable. You spend the entire game playing around a single hero that is either worthless or single-handedly destroys the game. THAT is a toxic hero.


I would call it a buff. More survivability for less dps. Sounds like it’s not going to change much, but her survivability went way up and damage went down by a little. Also let’s not forget she is a fast hero who picks battles. So if she’s ever stronger then some one and they are away from towers they are dead.

And the the most toxic grandma goes too


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Well if we look back we see that first day winrates were mostly right.

Is there a hero whose winrate deviated strongly between first day and his patch day? Maybe something extreme like cho gall and i am not even sure of it.